Twenty One

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Charlotte Crawford

I woke to the sound of birds outside. It reminded me of Cinderella, though I did not feel much like her. I turned to see him sound asleep, his hand was wrapped around my waist.

He snored softly for a moment, he looked so sexy as he slept. His dark brown hair was messy, even so vulnerable he looked powerful. The Sun gleaming through the windows began to bother my eyes

I got out of bed as the goosebumps formed on my skin, I was immediately cold and looked down remembering the lost clothes from last night.

Going into the bathroom I grabbed the silk black robe tying it on  fixing my hair. I grabbed my clothes off the ground and went into the hall

Snooping around the mysterious upstairs I soon found a laundry room. Opening the washer up placing my clothes in and starting it up, I looked over to see blankets a mess in the corner

I folded them, placing them one by one on a shelf waiting for the laundry to be done, keeping myself busy. I didn't even realize I began humming and after ten minutes a ding came transferring it into the dryer.

"What are you doing?" I looked over to see him absolutely naked staring at me and felt my heart begin to race

don't look down Charlotte

"Oh god, would it hurt you to put some clothes on!" I threw a blanket at him shielding my eyes innocently but in reality I could feel the fire burning up

"Your crimson red face says you'd prefer something different, what are you doing here? I heard you humming Shania Twain"

"Well I don't exactly have any of my luggage here yet so I decided to wash my clothes. How do you know Shania Twain?"

Idiot everyone knows Shania Twain

"Why didn't you have Marie do it?" He looked at me confused

"I'm sorry Marie?"

Who the fuck was Marie?

"The maid, she keeps after this house. Cooks and cleans, she'll do anything you need. She's probably feeding the horses right now"

"I can do my own laundry it's fine" he looked at me surprised

then it hit me

"wait.... You don't do your own laundry?" an embarrassed blush appeared on his face

"Why should I if I can just pay someone to do it" oh my god. He stood there staring me down and shrugged

"You do know how to do laundry right?" He sighed and I stared at him in shock

"Oh my god! You don't know how to do laundry, the simplest of life skills?" His face turned a bit red

"You went to college, who did your laundry at school? Don't say Marie"

"No Markum did, he did me and my roommates... cleaned out suite" I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing, the man never had done laundry

"You did not have a true college experience Mr.Crawford! Tell me you at least had late night microwaved ramen at some point" he rolled his eyes at me, god he was sexy

"Of course I had late night ramen. I just didn't need to do my laundry when someone else could. You shouldn't be doing it right now it's what we pay Marie to do"

"A simple life skill? No this week, we are doing our own laundry as long as we are here and I will teach you how to" I couldn't believe he's never done laundry and he's almost fucking 30. I grabbed the detergent bottle handing it to him

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