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Third Person P.O.V.

Charlotte paced outside the building and then decided to enter. She walked through the foyer and made her way to the private elevator with her key.

"M'am you cannot use that elevator" she heard a voice from behind her and turned.

"I actually can"

"It's residents only, I think you may be confused" the woman spoke in a snappy tone "I don't think a woman like you would be going into that elevator" scanning her in disgust the old lady glanced at her up and down.

"I'm Charlotte Bartlett, marrying Mr.Crawford tomorrow who I believe owns your biggest space. You should be careful about the way you talk to people, never know who you are speaking with" Flashing a fake smile Charlotte swiped her key.

The elevator doors opened and she entered as the woman stared at her and without thinking Charlotte flipped her off. The doors closed and an inner panic rose in her, she never did things like that only to specific people at work but not to their face.

Shit shit shit, what if he gets a call about my behavior

She paced back and forth more worried than when she entered the building. It was so unlike her, maybe it was the hormones but those can only cause you to do so much. She blamed it on her behavior last night, and didn't think she could pull that card again.

The elevator door dinged and it opened as she entered the penthouse looking into the living room to see him standing there, staring at her

"If you get a call about my behavior towards a really mean, scary old lady I'm really sorry" she started and a smile appeared on his face

"and what exactly would the call be about?" He began to walk over to her

"She was a bit rude... so I was a bit rude back?" Charlotte mumbled

"Tesoro" he wrapped his arms around her waist "what did you do?" He looked down at her

"I flipped the old lady off because she was rude to me and scanned my body in a disgusting way. Yes wearing black sweatpants and a sweatshirt does look suspicious but I promise I am not here to burgle you"

"Oh so you met Margie?" The voice came from the stairs and Charlotte looked over to see a blonde with brown eyes, she looked even more confused and a pit formed in her stomach

"Charlotte this is my sister Jillian" the pit immediately disappeared and a smile formed

"Your sister?" Jillian rushed down the stairs

"God Nate when you told me she was beautiful you were not kidding, I don't think beautiful does you Justice" she walked over to Charlotte taking her in for a hug

"It is so nice to finally meet you, I'm so happy you aren't a ditz" Nate rolled his eyes and she laughed lightly

"My god it's annoying how pretty you are" she slapped her arm playfully "I'm not usually a blonde to clarify"

"I can't wait to get to know you more but I do have to go run and grab something" she pressed the elevator button

"I'll be back in a few hours, we can all have dinner before I steal you until tomorrow" Jillian smirked at her

"You're stealing her?" He questioned

"I'm supposed to be taking her to her apartment and then we get into a car which takes up to your venue, but along the way I get to pester her" she entered the elevator the doors shutting behind her

"I like her" Nate rolled his eyes

"My annoying little sister" he groaned

"So this morning?" She questioned and he looked back at her "were you upset with me?" He shook his head

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