Fifty Three

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Charlotte Crawford

Right as I had finally fallen asleep the door to our hospital room bursted open jilting me up from the noise and the upbrupt silence commence

I looked over only to see her long youthful sheepish smile slowly making her way into the room "sorry for scaring you" she whispered

My little baby sister stood as her whole face lit up once I came into view "You are like a walking tornado I told you not to burst the door open!" Grace said with Megan trailing behind

They all looked over to me and then our little girl nestled in Nates arms "I'm sorry I can't help my cheeks he's shirtless" Megan mumbled causing us all to laugh

Belle was quick to scrub her hands red and come closer as her eyes began to bubble up "oh my god" she cupped her hands in her face as she saw her baby niece "wow, you really had a baby" her voice was shaky as she spoke and then enveloped me into her arms

"How are you feeling? We brought you sushi!" Megan raised the brown paper bag in hand as my hopes went up and my stomach screamed "how long ago did you have her?"

"I just popped her out thirty minutes ago" the corner of his eye crinkled as I spoke

"Tesoro, really? Popped her out?" He raised a brow "What like it was easy? No it's just the best way to put it, I popped her out"

"Did you poop on the table?" Megan questioned as my eyes widened "Megan!" Grace slapped her arm "what it was a serious question?"

"No I did not poop on the table and if I did it wouldn't be the end of the world"

"Just the end of your dignity" Belle whispered

"Show some respect, hey when you have a baby and if you do that I wouldn't judge you! Whatever you gotta do to get her out"

"No I would totally judge you" Megan mumbled causing another glare from Grace

The door creaked open again followed by a rush and soon her practically stumbling in the room hands raised in the air "what's up mother fuckers!" Her voice rang through our ears as the three stepped aside

She stood scrawny and bumbling looking towards me. She'd lost hours of sleep signaling by the bags under her eyes. But there she stood her lips with a smile grinning wide and her worn out blonde hair in air born curls.

"Jillian, language there's a child" Nate scolded

"Yeah me, and I'm the one who's saying the explicit words I don't see the big deal?" She looked to her brother and gasped "oh my god there's a baby in my big brothers arms, he actually procreated... nobody saw this coming"

"Rude" Nate grumbled at her and she placed shiny purple 'it's a girl balloons' in the corner with a small teddy bear attached wrapped in a white laced bow

"Nate do you mind if I hold her?" Belle asked patiently and he pointed to the armchair beside the bed "I've never held a baby before"

"That's not a good thing to say before you hold one?" Megan put out sitting at the foot of my bed reaching for my hand "younger you would've been incredibly proud of you right now"

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