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Charlotte Bartlett

1 month later, September

I woke up to the aroma of coffee. Usually that smell would delight me, but today it didn't instead nauseated me. Each morning I'd have an ice coffee to get my day started and Grace would have it ready by the time I got out of bed.

The smell was so intoxicating I felt myself getting queasy. Maybe it was because of the meeting with the big investors today. But I felt the need to vomit or pass out.

Getting out of bed I took a deep breath in as my feet pressed the cold ground, I could hear Grace singing the lyrics to Carolina by Harry Styles moving around the kitchen.

She was up first in the mornings. Grace was a psychiatrist at a private practice in New York and she had to be at work at 7:30. She'd usually make breakfast for herself and sometimes for me and Megan if she had time.

A knock came at the front door and grace went to it and I stepped into the bathroom turning on the shower

"I know she's here Grace" I heard distantly as a sharp pain slashed through my heart from the sound of his voice

"She's busy and she's moved on" Grace said in a protective tone

"What do you mean she's moved on, CHARLOTTE babe come on, I know you're home" the sound of his voice made me fumed. I felt the warm tears trickle down my eyes

Carter was at the door

After a month he finally shows up at my door, there is no way I'm putting up with this shit. Knowing Grace will handle it, I took off my clothes and got into the shower. I heard the door slam and then the lock click

I stepped into the shower letting the warm water embrace my back letting go through my hair. I turned to my front and screeched

"Char are you okay?" Grace yelled as I stepped back from the streaming water

"All good, just my boobs hurt" my nipples killed like a son of a bitch. I cupped my boobs and continued to shower "ow, ow, ow" I repeated as the discomfort grew, why do they hurt so bad!

I exited the shower and dried myself off with a towel gently dabbing them around my chest. I grabbed a white shirt with black tailored pants and black pumps.

As I entered the kitchen a wave hit me "oh god" I immediately turned away rushing straight back to my bathroom

Grace rushed in following behind as I landed on the bathroom floor quickly pulling my hair back making sure I didn't mess up my clothes

Her hand grazed my back "hey, what's going on" She asked holding my hair for me and she soothed my back

I rested my face on the seat "I think it's the nerves of my father and the investors today" I took deep breaths and got up to brush my teeth and fixed myself again "you're fine and you look fabulous" Graces face looked concerned but she went back into the kitchen

"If you need me to come get you let me know and Carters gone. Told the son of a bitch to get lost" she pecked my cheek "Good luck today"


I entered the building as people observed me. Some stayed silent and some greeted me. There was one woman who I hoped not to see today because then my stomach would definitely throw a fit.

I tapped my black work bag patiently waiting for the elevator to get to my floor and soon the doors opened. I entered and greeted people as I walked towards my office to see an empty chair but new supplies and decorations at my assistants desk.

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