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In the morning she woke up alone in bed. The other side being cold and her for some odd reason disappointed. She pulled her hair into a loose bun and then rushed into his bathroom after feeling sick.

She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and it was a message from Grace asking if she was available for breakfast which she accepted. She found an unused toothbrush and brushed her teeth. Afterwards cleaned up his toilet and went over to his bedroom

She slipped on her leggings and shirt. If anything it felt more like a walk of shame than satisfactory. She went downstairs to find the apartment empty. Just the floor to ceiling windows viewing the beautiful cutie. She looked at her phone and nothing, not a note or message.

"Hello?" She called and had no reply. So she walked to the elevator and pressed the elevator button.

"You're leaving?" He asked in a husk voice

"I mean, yeah I guess so" she said awkwardly

"Alright fine then go" he said coldly and that made eyes water

"Did I do something?" She asked

"No just go" he said coldly and he didn't know why he was being such an ass. Her eyes glossed and she turned her back to him waiting for the elevator

It was like one minute he was roses and then next he was thorns. The elevator doors opened and slipped in immediately pressing the button. It was the reminder that she was nothing but a woman who was carrying his child.

As the doors shut he said "Charlotte" in a caring voice but once they shut her eyes filled with tears. The hormones were killing her but he was a dick.

He pressed the button to the elevator rapidly and the second one opened and he quickly entered "shit" he said. He'd looked at her with disgust and it was not intentional his brother had gotten into his head, it wasn't even about her.

The elevator doors opened and she quickly made her way to the garage. She typed in his code in which he gave her and quickly got into her car. She started to drive off as she heard him shout her name "Charlotte" . She just had to be alone, well not alone. She just had to get away for a moment. He had no idea how her car got there but he watched as she drove off and sighed

He did not know why he was so cold to her. His brother had gotten on his nerves. He never fully got along with his brother but this morning he'd been aggravating him and he took it out on her.


She parked her car and made her way into the apartment which was empty. She went into her room quickly and stripped down grabbing blue flare jeans and a black turtleneck sweater. 

She didn't put on any make up or attempt to. Not that she needed it but she knew there would be tears at breakfast ruining the integrity of her outfit.

She got back into her car and took a deep breath. She made her way to Sarabeth's. She parked her car in a lot grabbing her bag quickly making her way across the street with sunglasses

"How many?" The hostess asked "I'm looking for Grace Wright?" The woman nodded and showed her to a table and Grace looked to her and smiled

"You look like my evil step mommy coming to make a deal with me" Grace said and she removed her glasses to show her puffy eyes

"Oh what happened?" Charlotte shrugged

"One second he's all over me and flirty and the next he shuts me out and he's cold and mad" she said "it's just a reminder that this is a dynastic plan, besides the baby" she said

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