Chapter 16: Singularity E Pluribus Unum

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I gazed down the mountain spotting hordes of monster like enemies in the distance.

Mash: your orders senpai?

Y/n: well I think we know what to do with this.

Mash: come again?

I looked over and called out her name.

Y/n: Jalter!

Jalter: alright!

She laughed as she leaped off the cliff, forming her weapon and lighting it up in flames.

The sounds of explosion could be heard throughout the area with flames everywhere covering near half of the land.

Y/n: ha ha ha, yes! nice going Jalter!

I shout in encouragement, using my binoculars to look above.

Mash: uh, this is a little too much don't you think senpai?

Absorbed in the moment I didn't hear Mash.

Saddened, she responded in a defeated tone.

Mash: I got ignored...

Salter and Jeanne who were standing behind the two turned to Jeanne and whispered.

Salter: hey don't you think Master and Jalter seem more close lately.

Jeanne: hmm, now that you mention it...

They both simultaneously looked at each other in horror with one thought in mind.

"Jalter was the real threat all along!"

In the meantime Jalter could be heard laughing maniacally in the distance.

Y/n: heyy, Jalter you're getting too absorbed!

I frantically waved my hand in the distance but it was useless.


Ishtar is seen laughing at an object.

Ishtar: ha ha ha! what is this?!

She looked around, mesmerized and amused by the type of technology Chaldea had in the storage room.

Ishtar: uwah... this looks so complicated ...

She paused for a moment and thought of something.

Ishtar: I need to show master this!


I sneezed, groaning.

Y/n: ugh..

Mash: senpai?

Y/n: I'm fine Mash.

Mash: y-yes, um... by the way I wanted to ask on why you didn't decide to bring Ishtar along?

Y/n: oh her? I just thought having an additional member to this singularity would be too easy. Especially when she's a godly divine servant herself.

Mash: won't that be better for us?

Y/n: nah, we're already crazy strong as is.

I pointed to Jalter who was far in the distance.

Y/n: I mean look at Jalter, she's already soloing everything. Don't really want to make it more boring by having more servants right now.

Mash: o-oh right.


We arrived back to Chaldea with everyone being in a victorious mood, especially me as I walk in wearing a crown while holding a grail, followed by jewelry around my neck.

Y/n: ha ha, this is great!

Jalter chuckled at my happy remark.

Jalter: I couldn't have agreed more.

Salter, Mash and Jeanne looked at us in envy as Jalter and I walked alongside each other with glee.

Y/n: uh, by the way where's Ishtar?

Jalter shrugged.

Jalter: let her do her own thing, she'll come around eventually,

Y/n: mhm, I'll take that into account.

I changed directions, waving my hand to everyone.

Y/n: well great job today, I'll see everyone later!

Everyone said their byes and went their own ways.


I laid up in my bed all cozy.

Y/n: ah..what a good day...unlike last time this singularity was easier...

I yawned and closed my eyes.

Y/n: but still..I feel tired as always...


Y/n: mhm...

I felt something sticky underneath the blankets, alongside some movments around me.

Y/n: what the hell?!

I instantly pulled my cover and switched on the lights to see Salter and Jeanne alongside me in bed.

They both wore a form of lingerie with their legs each entangled to my legs.

Salter: u-um morning master.

Jeanne: good morning!

I stared dumbfounded at the two who both smiled nervously.

Y/n: e-

Salter and Jeanne: e?


Jeanne tried to calm me down, stroking me gently.

Jeanne: now now, just calm down...

Salter: that's right master.

Jeanne: just close your eyes.

Y/n: w-wha-

The lights above us suddenly turned dark making it near impossible to see anything.

Y/n: um..

In the distance I could hear Ishtar screaming with a flustered tone not knowing what to do.

Ishtar: nooo! I didn't mean too! I just wanted to show master something!

Maintenance crew 1: ugh, ok just let us deal with it.

Maintenance crew 2: just move out the way ma'am.

Ishtar: uuww...sorry...

The background quiets down and the lights soon come back on.

Salter: erm..

Jeanne: s-shall we get back into it?

Jeanne attempted to create a mood going.

Y/n: c'mon guys, you serious?

Salter and Jeanne suddenly looked down in guilt.

Salter: well its unfair, you seemed o be closer and spending more time with Jalter.

Jeanne: that's right, if you're going to be a playboy, you might as well attend to everyone equally.

Raising her eyebrows, Salter glanced at Jeanne in confusion.

Y/n: huh?

Jeanne: so lets do it!

She stood up clasping her hands, beaming.

Jeanne: tomorrow, you'll be spending time with all of us!

Y/n: huh?


Fate grand order: A world to save (Male reader x Female servants) (Continuing)Where stories live. Discover now