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"Did you do your homework like I told you?"

"Yes, sir, Professor Hanscom! I connected my accounts to the software and laid out all my expenses on there just like you asked. I'm your best student, aren't I?"

"You're my only student." Jack smirked.

"Good, I like having you all to myself." Lana stirred her coffee as they sat at a table outside of Urth Café in Santa Monica. It was a gorgeous LA Saturday morning, and the brunch spot was bustling.

"Is that so? And why is that?"

"Because I'm paying you a lot to teach me."

"You're not paying me a dime."

"I paid for breakfast! It was expensive! Those croissants are no joke."

Jack laughed and took Lana's free hand in his. "I'm all yours, Lana, whether you paid for breakfast or not."

She smiled and took a sip of her coffee. She noticed an older man in an all-black suit and black sunglasses sitting at a table near them. He eyed them and went back to reading his magazine. The glance unsettled her but she went back to conversing with Jack.

The conversation about Lana's homework and the financial lesson for the day continued. Yet Lana could not seem to shake the glances from the strange man. Now and then, she would notice him look back at them.

"Lana? What did you think about it?"

"Sorry, think about what?"

"What's going on? Why do you keep looking over there?" Jack said before he started to turn his head around.

He stopped abruptly when Lana grabbed his hand. "Jack, don't look!"

"What? Oh God, is it a big spider?"

Lana laughed. "No, no, it's just this really weird guy. He keeps looking at us."

"Just ignore him. He's probably just checking you out. I mean, you look stunning today. Have I told you that yet?"

Lana grinned. "Thank you." She paused, and her smile faltered slightly. "No, the way he's looking at both of us is giving me the creeps. Let's switch spots so you can see. I'll pretend I don't want to be in the sun anymore so you can sit here."

They casually traded seats, and Jack waited a moment before scanning the restaurant patio. "Oh yes, I see him. Definitely creep vibes. We can get out of here if it makes you more comfortable or switch to a different table?"

"That's okay. We're almost done anyway. Let's just finish up the lesson and then head out. At least me sitting here is less distracting."

Jack continued with the lesson, and the pair finished up their breakfast in about twenty minutes. Jack looked past Lana and smiled wide. "Hey, it looks like the weird guy left."

"Oh thank God. It was bothering me for some reason."

"So what do you say we hit the racks at Goodwill? I hear they may have some treasure troves."

"Will you ever quit it with that joke?" Lana hit his arm playfully. "Besides, I've moved on from Goodwill. I now shop at Gucci."

"Went right past JCPenny status I see."

"Well actually, no. I'm not spending any of my grandmother's money until we sort out my finances. So, I should say almooost Gucci status, and maybe if I invest right."

"I'm proud of you, Lana."

"I know, and I'm proud of me too."

"Okay, let's head out. I have some of your favorite shows already queued up on my list on Netflix."

"You're amazing. Did I tell you that I love you?"

"Hmm, I don't think so. Not that I recall." Jack smirked as he led Lana out of the cafe and onto the sidewalk to head to the garage.

He stopped for a moment, and they embraced each other on the sidewalk about a block from the garage. They moved into a passionate kiss, and Jack's hands moved up and down her back. She reciprocated the gesture and didn't even care that they were full-on making out on a public corner.

Jack broke the kiss and whispered in Lana's ear, "Let's get going before we commit any public indecencies."

The butterflies in Lana's stomach were racing, and her cheeks felt hot.

She quickly nodded her head. The pair made it to their car and swiftly drove out of the garage, not noticing the large black SUV following closely behind them.


That's all I got! Thoughts on the epilogue?? Do we like it when books end on a cliffhanger? Please vote if you liked the chapter! ♥️

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