Chapter 30

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As soon as Lana and Jack landed and went through customs, she felt like a weight fell off her shoulders. She was so relieved to see Chloe and Jeremy standing outside waiting for them.

Both their mouths dropped when they saw the sight before them: Lana with a bandaged hand and Jack with bruises and swelling all over his face and hands. Lana ran up and gave her best friend a hug, and Jack went up to Jeremy.

"Oh my God, Lan! Don't you worry about anything, you just let your bestie take care of you," said Chloe as she wrapped Lana in her arms. She let go and grabbed Lana's bags. Jeremy led everyone back to his car.

"Soo, how was the trip?" asked Jeremy as he sped out of the airport.

"Oh my God, Jer, read the room! How do you think their trip was?"

"I'm just asking! What? Can't I ask a simple question?"

Lana and Jack were in the backseat and glanced at each other with a smile cracking on their faces.

"No, it's the type of question! You have to ask something more like, 'how are you guys feeling'!" She turned back to look at Lana and Jack. "How are you guys feeling?"

Lana shrugged. "Tired."

"Oh my God, you poor thing! You must be so exhausted!"

Lana's heart swelled. She missed Chloe so much she could cry.

"Are you guys hungry?"

"Yes!" Lana and Jack said in unison.

"We could go to In 'N Out Burger?" Jeremy asked.

"Yes!" said Lana and Jack in unison again. They looked at each other, and Lana giggled.

"In 'N Out sounds amazing. And it's okay. I don't mind talking about our trip, Jeremy. There was a lot that happened."

While they waited in the hour-long line that was the In 'N Out Burger by LAX, Lana and Jack told them everything about the trip. The sightseeing, the museum, the empty box, and the strange old man that sent them off to do his dirty work. The only part they left out was the sweet kisses they shared and the big four-letter word that was spoken on the night of the delivery.

As soon as they found a table, Lana began to feel tears stream down her cheeks. Underneath the table, Jack placed his hand on her leg, stroking it gently as she spoke. Just the thought of what this one box took them through. She was so happy to have gotten closer to Jack but felt like she was back to square one with her financial situation—bills past due and still planning to live paycheck to paycheck.

Chloe and Jeremy asked a question or two throughout the story but listened to them intently. Chloe gasped when she heard the part about Lana asking Jack to steal the box and reached over to grasp Lana's hand as she teared up.

After they got their food and ate, Lana felt a million times better. Chloe was sipping on her lemonade when she gave Lana an eyebrow look that Lana was surprised she couldn't read. "What is it, Chloe?"

"Um, do you have anything else you have to share?"

Lana glanced at Jack, who looked equally confused. "Um, no. What do you mean?"

She looked between Jack and Lana and then back at Jeremy, who was giving her an Are you a crazy person? look.

"Ugh! I totally thought you guys would, you know, like, fall in love!"

Lana gave a nervous laugh, and Jack scratched the back of his head, looking down.

"OH MY GOD!! You are totally in love! See Jer! I told you!"

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