Chapter 19

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A few days had gone by and still no answer from the Museum of the World. Jack had tried numerous times and was beginning to think of other ways to get a hold of someone there. He even looked up businesses close by and called them. He would run into the same roadblock though: either the number couldn't be reached or the receiver didn't speak English.

Lana had a feeling Jack would actually go to Morocco. She played around with the idea in her mind. Her heritage connected her to the people that lived there. Yet anytime she thought about it, an overwhelming fear hit her like a ton of bricks.

Going on an actual airplane? Over an actual ocean?

She decided that there was no way she would go with Jack, even if he did eventually decide to go to Morocco to get her box.

As soon as Lana got home from work, she felt her phone vibrate.

Jack: Soooo, should we go to Morocco?

Lana: Umm, please no

Jack: Don't you want your stuff back?

Lana: Yes, please. And thanks so much for going to get it for me!

Jack: Awww it'll be much more fun with you though. Anything I can say to convince you?

Lana: No. I think I mentioned this before, I'm not a traveling type person.

Jack: Yeah, I remember. But don't you trust me?

Lana: Jack just quit it! I'm not going!!

Lana didn't mean to come across as so aggressive and quickly brushed off the guilt that swept through her. She didn't like peer pressure. She saw the three dots appear and then disappear.

She grabbed her mail and started to open each envelope. More PAST DUE's were splashed across more envelopes. She stared at the mail, wondering when the endless cycle of past dues would actually end.

After doing some online shopping, Lana changed out of her work clothes and got dressed, getting ready to visit her mom.

She got to her mom's apartment in about twenty minutes and was looking forward to catching up. She had already called her a few days ago to complain about the date with Grayson and the things he'd said to her. Her mom later found out Grayson was secretly dating another girl and only went out with Lana to appease his mom. Lana couldn't wait to tell the rest of the group.

"Cindy is annoying the crap out of me!" Lana's mom, Adilah, said as soon as Lana walked through the door.

Lana smiled. Cindy and Adilah always bickered about the garden out front.

"She thinks she's Ms. President, and I'm sick of it! Did you know she changed the plan for the daisies last minute? The nerve!"

"The daisies? How dare she?" Lana teased. She loved how involved her mom got with the building's community.

"Lana! I'm serious; I'm done this time."

"Mom, it'll be okay. Let me bake you some sweets and just forget about Cindy. She means well. You just have to learn to work together."

"I can't, and I know you're trying to get me fat, but yes to the sweets. It will make me feel better, and I can help you."

Lana and Adilah decided to make chocolate croissants from scratch. It took some time, but it was always fun when they were in the kitchen baking together. As they rolled out the dough, Lana's mom asked, "How's work going?"

"It's going good, same as always. Just working a lot," said Lana.

"You work too much. You need to take it easy and enjoy your summer. Maybe even go on vacation somewhere?" Adilah said, eyeing her.

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