Chapter 6

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Chez, Jack's restaurant choice, was nice. No, it was really, really nice. It seemed like one of those restaurants that only famous people were allowed into. Lana suddenly felt a little out of place and also paranoid that everyone there knew about the crinkled Taco Bell receipts scattered in her car. Would they kick me out of here if they knew the balance in my bank account?

Yet here she was, seated on the outside patio at this fancy restaurant with Jack, who seemed so at ease and so excited to take her out.

When she opened her menu, she noticed none of the items had the cost listed. That's when you know this shit's expensive.

"So, should we get onion rings for the table? I like extra ranch dressing," she said jokingly as she scanned the menu, causing Jack to snort awkwardly out loud, trying to contain his laughter.

"Sorry," Jack said quietly to the posh lady at the table next to them, who had turned and looked in their direction, irritated by the disturbance.

It took every bit of effort for Lana to not burst out laughing as well. "Just kidding. So let's see here... hm..."

Lana scanned the menu. It was hard to decide what to order when the food items were words Lana had never heard of. What's confit? And pissaladerie? "Umm, anything suiting your fancy?" she said.

"Not sure, but I hear the escargot and duck confit here are amazing."

Lana instinctively pouted her lips.

Jack noticed it and laughed. "Don't tell me you don't like escargot or duck?"

"Well, I've never actually had it," Lana said quickly, trying to cover up her dramatic disgust. "But it just doesn't sound good."

"Well, how do you know you don't like it if you haven't tried it?"

"Well, there's still a chance I don't like it. So, better to just stick with what I know I like. Also, what if I'm accidentally allergic? Who knows? It's nice to stick to what I know because it means I'm guaranteed a delicious meal."

"I don't think there's ever a guarantee for a delicious meal. What if the chef was sick that day and a new amateur chef accidentally adds too much salt?" Jack replied cheekily.

Lana laughed. "Touché."

"So, okay, no new foods. Is there the smallest chance that I could convince you to try one new thing tonight? I have a feeling it will change your world!"

Lana pondered for a moment. "Sure, I guess. But, if I end up sick to my stomach tonight, I'll know who to blame."

Truthfully there wasn't even a menu item Lana recognized anyway. Anything she ordered would have been a gamble. Might as well have Jack pick.

Jack laughed and said, "I promise you, I don't think you'll be sick to your stomach from what I'm about to order."

"So how did you manage to get a reservation here on such short notice?" Lana asked as she put her menu down.

"I wish I could say it was my charm and good looks, but the owner is one of my clients at the accounting firm. He's always bugging me to visit but I never had the chance."

"Well, I'm sure your charm and good looks may have played a part somewhat." Lana smiled. She was full-on flirting now and didn't even care.

Jack smiled back. Something in his eyes caught her at that moment. She continued, "I have to say, I feel like you look very familiar. Like maybe we've met in the past? Are you sure we never met before last week when you came in?"

Jack shifted in his seat. "Mmm no, I don't think so. I think I would've remembered a beautiful face like yours, for sure."

Lana quickly looked down and cleared her throat, hoping Jack didn't see how much she was blushing.

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