Chapter 9

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The hallway on the fourteenth floor of the building was just as grand as the lobby. The dark green carpeted floors silenced Jack and Lana's steps as they walked a few paces to a door marked 1409—Jack's apartment.

Her mouth dropped as Jack swung the door open. "This, um, this is your apartment?" she asked.

Jack rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Yep, this is home sweet home."

Looking around, Lana noticed the furniture was somewhat scarce, but everything was so neat and orderly. It was like she just stepped onto a page directly from a homeowner's magazine.

"It's nice I guess," Lana said, trying to contain how impressed she was.

"Thanks," Jack responded politely.

"I mean, I don't see a wine cellar," Lana quipped. "But I guess as long as you have a roof over your head, that's what matters."

"Actually... there's a wine cellar down the hall," Jack said, smiling.

"Of course there is!"

The glass door at the far end of the living room caught Lana's eye. She walked over, slid it open, and stepped out onto the balcony. The cool night breeze hit her face.

The city was in full view, and the lights from cars played like a concert's control panel across it. This is where Jack lived. This is the view that he looked at every single day.

Meanwhile, my apartment window faces a dumpster below, and Mrs. Olga's bras and underwear hanging on the clothesline outside the building across the alley.

Lana jumped when she heard Jack come out behind her.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"Jack, this view is unreal. You live in the most amazing place ever!"

Jack shrugged before turning to Lana. "Yeah, I guess it's nice. I don't know, sometimes it can be a pain to go up and down the elevator when you just want to get out and go somewhere. But yeah I agree, this view is hard to beat."

Lana took in the view again, completely forgetting the reason why she had come up there. She looked over at Jack, who had leaned over the railing next to her. Feeling so close to him, she began to notice his physical features again: his perfect hair, his chiseled jawline, and his muscular chest rising and falling. Yet, before she continued to study all of him, she sensed him glance her way. She quickly let out a quiet cough and turned her head back to the view.

Oh God, did he see me checking him out? And why am I checking him out? I need to get it together.

"Here, let me show you something." Jack gestured for Lana's hand, and she placed it in his. Electricity shot through Lana's entire body as Jack led her to the far-right corner of the balcony and put her in front of him. He pointed to something in the distance and said, "Look over there. It's very, very faint, but if you look closely, you can see the Griffith Observatory and, right next to that, the Hollywood sign."

Lana squinted to try to focus on what he was pointing at, but all she could mentally focus on was Jack's hand on her waist. Her breathing picked up slightly, and her insides turned. She twisted around and faced Jack. He took his hand off her waist instantly. They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.

"Um, no. I, um, didn't see anything." She couldn't stop staring at his eyes, and he stole a glance down at her mouth. The current was zinging now in full force throughout her whole body. She felt shaky and prayed her body would not give her away. "Can you show me again?"

Jack cleared his throat and took a step back. Lana instantly felt colder. She didn't realize just how close he was to her. He looked out into the distance and squinted. "Actually, it may be a little too foggy out tonight. I'm having a hard time finding it again."

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