Chapter 27

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They called for a taxi to go straight back to the riad. Jack kept looking at Lana, but she was trying her hardest not to break down crying.

Why did I come? Why did I care so much? Why did Mom never tell me about Taita?

Jack tried talking to her and said, "I'm so sorry Lana," a few times, but Lana just looked down and didn't respond. She wasn't in the mood to talk. She was exhausted and just needed to lie down.

As soon as they got back to the riad and started heading up to their room, Jack was stopped by the front desk. Lana continued walking but overhead them saying that her separate room was ready. She didn't bother to hear his response before walking farther out of earshot.

Lana swiftly opened the door and sat down on her bed. She pulled the box with the key in it out of her bag. She studied it.


She set it on the nightstand and felt herself get cold and shaky. She needed food. She needed water.

She heard the door open and Jack shuffle through. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her. She closed her eyes, and hot tears streamed down her face.

After her sobbing subsided into sniffles, Jack got up and grabbed a water bottle from the mini-fridge. He twisted it open and handed it to Lana. "Please take a drink."

She took it from his hand and drank. After she took a few sips she gave it back to him, and he drank the rest.

She looked up at him, mascara smudged. "Jack, I—" She stopped. She didn't know what to say, and tears began flowing strong again.

Jack jumped and quickly sat by her side, lifting an arm but ultimately deciding against touching her. He opted for verbal consoling. "Shhh, shh. Lana, it's okay. You're okay. We're okay. You just need some rest."

"I'm so sad. I'm so upset," Lana tried to say through her tears.

"I know. Me too."

Lana's crying eventually stopped. She looked up at Jack, and the concern for her was marked on his face. It felt like her heart was breaking, not for the stupid box, or randomly finding out her grandmother was a heartbreaker part of the Moroccan elite, but for what she was about to do. She couldn't stay with Jack; she needed space. Space to think.



"I overheard the concierge saying my room was ready. I think I want to sleep there tonight."

Lana didn't expect the pained expression visible on Jack's face, and she quickly looked away. When she looked back at him, there was an emotion she couldn't read.

"That's alright, Lana. I'll sleep there, and you can sleep here. I'll just grab my things and go."

Lana simply nodded her head and flopped into bed. She heard he was about to leave, and the thought of being alone made her stomach hurt. "Jack?"

"Yeah, Lana?"

She hesitated for a moment and then continued. She needed to stay strong. "What I said earlier. Um, I'm okay if we fly back home together. But I just think we should, um, just go our separate ways when we land."

Jack didn't say anything and just left the room.


As soon as Lana and Jack checked in their bags and went through security, they headed straight for their gate. Their flight was boarding soon. Neither of them spoke a word about the events that happened yesterday. Or even about the words that were said. Lana kept her earbuds in as they sat by their gate and hoped the music would drown out the painful thoughts that surfaced. Every time she thought about Jack and what she had said to him, her throat grew tight.

She could tell he was distant as well. He didn't look at her very much and kept a seat in between them when they sat down. She wanted so badly to console him but needed to think about herself. What she needed was to not be so reckless. It was unlike her, and she didn't want or need any trouble in her life.


And Jack... handsome, charming, and funny Jack. A man who made her feel so alive and like she could forget all the worries in life in an instant and then, in the next moment, fear like never before. He was the man that she wasn't so sure she could forget, but she needed to at least try.

Lana's thoughts were interrupted by a voice blaring over the loudspeaker. "Paging Hanscom and Asfoor. Please report to the check-in desk immediately."

Lana and Jack looked at each other with their eyebrows raised.

"What do you think it's for?" Lana asked as they began making their way over.

"Maybe a seat change?" He shrugged.

They reached their gate's check-in desk, and a petite woman greeted them. She simply asked to see their passports.

"What's this about?" Jack asked the woman as she typed away on her computer.

"Sir, it looks like there may be some issues with your passports. You and Ms. Asfoor will need to be escorted for further questioning before boarding our flight."

Jack and Lana's eyes grew wide. "You have got to be kidding me! What do you mean further questioning?" A vein began to show itself in Jack's forehead as he spoke loudly. She looked around and saw a couple of people staring.

"I don't know sir, unfortunately. I only received orders to not allow you to board this plane until questioning. This man here will escort you."

Jack gripped the stand, and Lana grabbed onto his arm. "Jack, it's okay. Let's just go answer their questions and then be on our way."

Jack relaxed his grip. He looked at Lana with worry plastered across his face. She didn't let go of his arm as the police officer guided them through the airport.

The officer led them into an Authorized Personnel Only area, and the pair soon found themselves walking on the tarmac beside some planes. "Jack, something doesn't feel right. Why are we on the tarmac?"

"I know. Something is up, but let's just cooperate so we can get back as quickly as possible."

The police officer stopped in front of a black BMW car with tinted windows. "Please, you must go in."

"Where will this car take us?"

The officer didn't respond and just opened the doors for Lana and Jack to file in. When they hesitated, the man approached Jack as if he was going to push him inside. "Okay, okay, we'll get in! Please don't push me." Jack furrowed his brows and slid into the car, Lana following.

The interior of the car was just as sleek and clean as the exterior. They couldn't see the driver due to a black glass between them and the front. Lana's palms began to sweat even more. She looked at Jack, who still had his brows furrowed. Lana spoke up, hoping the driver could hear her. "Excuse me, where are you taking us?"

No response.

Lana began to yell, "Excuse me! Where are we going!?"

Still no response.

Lana and Jack in unison began to scream together, desperate for anyone in the vicinity to hear them. "Help!"

The rest of the drive was spent calling out for help. Hoping someone, anyone could hear them. Given how much time had passed, they both had figured they were well out of the airport, even though they couldn't see anything that was happening on the outside. They also tried opening their doors, but both were locked.

Then finally, the car stopped, and the engine cut. Lana closed her eyes tight. She didn't know what they were in for this time and prayed to God that they'd make it out alive.


We're not quite done with Morocco yet! There's still something in store for these two. Thanks for reading and voting! ♥️

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