Chapter 58

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"It's all my fault," Ralph said as he rest his face in his hands once Irene shut the door, he couldn't stop replaying what happened.

All he knows was that he was going to need a new team.

They are all dead, but him.

Ralph let out a long sigh, he decided to stop crying. It was quite pathetic in front of his lady, he rubbed his eyes and then looked out the window.

"It's late, I need rest," he spoke sullenly and laid himself down on the bed while looking at the ceiling with empty eyes.

"Come out," he said coldly, and slowly stepped out a dark mage with a sinister grin, "Round two?"

The hooded man spoke with a gentle tone to the alarmed Ralph, that was laying down at the moment.

"You enter the Grand Duke's residence and attack me?"

Ralph talked to the dark mage, "Yes, I finish my job."

Ralph put on a cheeky grin, "But don't you think it's unfair? I don't have a sword," he complained.

"So what?"

Suddenly Ralph leaped out of the bed with his sword and smiled, "I was waiting for you, what took you so long?"

He said as he pointed his sword at the mage.

Gnomes and Salamander were alerted and looked at each other, then send calls to Irene.

Irene was already home at that time.

"Okay, I got it...protect him, I have to deal with other problems first," Irene whispered the message to Undine and Sylph.

Irene is sending two of them to protect Ralph as well since she was quite in a situation.

"Why is everybody in my room right now?"

Irene asked Elle and the rest, "Where were you?"

"I went out for a night walk," Irene answered calmly, she had thought ahead of this and already had put her sword away.

"A night walk?"

Elle was still suspicious of Irene and looked at her up and down.

Irene continue to keep her smile and waited for the big moment, Ralph was going to fight.

It will cause a ruckus.

At this time, Josiah, Sasha, and Alice walked to Irene's room.

"Why is everybody up so late?"

Irene asked then the ground shook, the mansion can hear a boom coming from the Grand Duke's residence.

Irene looked out the window and saw a little smoke, "Elle, I am going to go," Irene said with a quick reaction.

"Lady?" Elle asked worriedly.

"Questions later," Irene quickly shut Elle's mouth since she was running on a timeline, the elemental spirits' power isn't strong enough on its own.

Irene quickly opened her window and jumped out, landing with Sylph's power.


Josiah said, all of them stayed quiet in shock.

"What are we going to do?" Alice was the first one to speak, and Sasha responded, "Isn't it obvious? To the Grand Duke's residence."

Josiah knew something was up, "You two must stay, the Grand Duke's residence is being attacked."

"How do you know?" Alice asked him, he looked at her dumbfounded and pointed towards the smoke orbiting the house afar.

Alice's eyes were shaken, her memories flowed past her, Alice's legs started to feel weak and she dropped to the ground.

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