Chapter 52

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Irene sat up on her bed lifelessly, thinking about what was she going to do.

In moments of trouble, Irene called out her faithful little friends, the elemental spirits.

"Should I dig up Irene's mother's grave?" Irene asked them as soon they popped out. Irene did not know even though she and the elemental spirits share the same minds...

They still have to be censored from some things, like specific dreams.

"What on Earth are you saying?" Slyph asked the girl who looked like she had cried, her eyes puffy and red.

"What do you mean?" Irene asked as if Slyph was the one who looks insane.

"Irene, we lost contact with you for a while, we didn't know what kind of dream you had."

Undine explained with a worried expression.

Irene opened her mouth forming an 'o' shape, "But you seem to be in shook, and your presence..."

Gnomes said as they looked at Irene up and down, "Irene, what was in your dream?"

Irene took a couple of breaths and explained how her dream went and about the whole Irene living in her head situation.

"How fascinating," Salamander was the first one to speak, the others were still processing the information Irene gave them.

"So the real Irene died and her soul was basically wandering and living inside of your head?" Slyph repeated what Irene had summed up.


"However, like Irene your old self, Cha-hee passed, and Irene left with her mother...that means," Slyph paused before they continued to speak.

"Your now Irene."

"Yeah, I know that! But I am trying to ask if I should dig up a grave or not!?" Irene pushed aside how fucking depressing that sounded.

"You just found out about all of that and you are trying to dig up a grave as quick as you can?" Gnomes said in a scolding voice.

"Well, real Irene said that there was something very important in it!" Irene reminded them about this vital piece of information.

The elemental spirits looked at one another deciding what they were going to agree and one sighed.

"We should dig it up."

Stated Salamander.

"It's disturbing the dead."

Gnomes fought back.

"But it's vital information that might be useful for our human!"

Undine spoke with a passionate voice.

Slyph watched the three fight, and went to Irene.

"Since I am the last one to say something, I think we should dig it up," Slyph felt ashamed saying that and Gnomes looked at Slyph with a bit of disappointment.

"Sorry Gnomes, but you were bound to be outvoted in the end."

Irene smiled, and looked at the sun rising, "We better start now."

Irene quickly left with only a slipper even if it was a bit chilly outside, bringing a blanket out will only make you run slower if caught.

Irene was about to start thinking to grab a shovel, then she remembered a little fellow that can make the job faster and easier.

"Gnomes, you're going to be busy," Irene smiled chillily, Gnomes the one who didn't want to dig up the grave now has to dig it up.

The five of them sneaked out of the residence as the sun was slowly rising and the morning was about to meet.

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