Chapter 25

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"Lady Irene, you have been staying in your room for 2 weeks straight, I think you need some fresh air!" Roxy persuaded, Elle, sighed, and shook her head signaling Roxy to stop.

"Let her be," Elle said softly, Roxy huffed but listened, then they silently left the room.

"Ah this is the life," Irene said with an relax face, as she lay in her bed with food in front of her.

Irene Gracia was her name and she was now determined to have one day about herself and having fun.

"What shall I do?" Irene hummed as she finally stood up, she looked at the clock, "1:32 pm," Irene stared at it blankly.

"I can sleep for 28 more minutes," Irene swiftly announced as she laid herself back to bed, she planned to wake up at 2 pm and do whatever she wants after that.

She already told Ralph to put off swordsmanship training, which he agreed by calling her lazy, but understood her reasoning.

Just like that 28 minutes passed, then Irene slept for 10 more minutes and finally woke up when Elle woke her up to eat lunch.

"What made you so tired the past weeks?" Elle said as Irene freshened up, "Just wanted to lay around, is it bad?" Irene asked while wiping her wet face with a towel. "No," she replied.

Maybe having 2 two dreams about a fucking novels and showing you the ending you never read, will not only take your energy, maybe took 10 years from your life span, Irene thought-feeling injustice.

Irene let out a quiet sigh and walked towards Elle who with other maids changed into her dress, it was just a simple light blue dress that let went past her knees with her hair tied in a low pony.

"Ah, your so adorable," Roxy exclaimed as she pitched Irene's cheeks, which then Irene replied, "Thawk you," with a muffled voice.

"Ah our little Miss is the most adorable person in the world," one maid said, "She sure is," another exclaimed, "Okay, okay girls, stop talking now, Lady Irene needs to eat now," Elle hushed them and led Irene downstairs.

In which Irene stuffed her mouth with every meat she found arranging from chicken, pork, beef, and others more. Of course, she had to eat the vegetables then she found herself in dessert, strawberry cake, it was more than heaven for Irene at that point.

"Hahh..." Irene let out a long satisfied sigh as her stomach was full, one thing is for sure Irene does love the food here but is missing her traditional food. But food is food and this was delicious food.

What else should I do, Irene thought to herself as Irene was in her deep thought she overheard the workers talking about the new stores in town, Irene's ears perked up.

Looks like Irene has plans.

"I want to go out," Irene said in the Grand Duke's office, "Okay." Irene holds a sigh

"That was easy," Irene happily said as she skipped out of the residence, "A day to spend some quality time by myself," Irene giggled after speaking.

"Finally your stepping outside to get fresh air," Roxy said dramatically, Irene rolled her eyes, she could've hibernated longer if she wanted to. "Why did you want to go to town all of sudden?" Elle asked as she put a dark cloth around Irene.

"I heard a conversation about the new stores opening there and wanted to see and check it out," Irene explained briefly. Roxy and Elle smiled slightly, "Lady, are you perhaps suggesting a shopping trip?!" they said as their eyes gleamed.

"W-why you looking at me like that?" Irene looked at their reactions anxiously, "They have been wanting to go too," Mal said. "Oh, I actually wanted to go by myself...with Mal only," Irene said as her voice became quieter.

"Aw, it's fine, next time let's go together," Roxy said as she smiled and Elle just smiled letting Irene know, she's fine with it. "What about me?" Ralph said happily as he pointed a finger at himself.

"GaH?" Roxy jumped, "When were you here?" Roxy asked, "About 5 minutes ago, you need a guard to leave the house," Ralph said as he stepped closer to Irene, "Mal is my guard," Irene said blankly.

"...what?" Ralph sounded a bit confused, "You have meetings today, right? I asked the Grand Duke already," Irene lied.

"His sire allowed this?" Ralph said with such a voice it sounded like he was betrayed by someone he really trusted. "Yup," Irene smiled, well he going to anyway.

"Okay okay, leave Lady Irene be, let's go," Elle said as she pushed Ralph out the door with Roxy, "Mal, stay behind, we will be getting ready to leave," Irene asked, respond, Mal nodded.

"Mal, did you bring money?" Irene asked as she wore a cloth to cover herself so did Mal, "No, Lady," Mal replied, "Why? Aren't buying anything for yourself or your friends?" Irene asked as she was helped in the carriage.

Mal stayed quiet.

"I know it! I shall pay for anything," Irene exclaimed, Mal twitched, "Ah you do not need to, Lady," Mal quickly refused the offer, "No no, it's fine, you don't have to pay anything back to me," Irene said. "Oh thank you, Lady," Mal said softly.

Irene smiled brightly after seeing Mal smile, she guesses they going to have a sort of "Girls' Night", Irene was excited actually.

"Have been to the Capital?" Irene asked, "Ah, yes...I have some memories here." Mal answered, Irene, felt uneasy after hearing the answer, "Maybe I shouldn't have asked that question," Irene whispered to herself.

"Lady we're here!" Mal announced then helped Irene get off the carriage, "Pick us up somewhere near 8 or 9," Irene ordered the horseman, "Of course Lady, see you at 9," he said.

"Mal from now on, your my maid and my personal guard," Irene winked as she put on her hood, "I shall be in your care," the white-haired child said. "Yes, Lady," Mal responded.

"Which store should we visit," Irene looked around in the busy streets, "I am not sure, Lady," Mal responded, "Let's put off the Lady, your Mal, I'm Irene got it, Mal?" Irene said Mal who was caught off guard, "Oh yes, o-of course, L- Irene..." Mal said as her voice got quiet.

"Mal, your shy," Irene said as she dragged Mal by the hand to the nearest dessert shop, "Haha, same goes to you," Mal laughed looking at Irene's red ears, "Shut up..." Irene said embarrassed. They get to this dessert shop called "Astro's"

"Mal, what do you want?" Irene asked as she was scanning through the menu, "I'm a bit unsure," Mal replied, "Just say it," the child talked to the grownup, being every persisting. "Okay let's get the mango cake and strawberry smoothie," Mal finally made her choice.

"Okay!" Irene called the waiter and said their order, "Lady, this isn't our dinner right?" Mal asked, "Nope this is only the beginning," Irene smirked. The food came in exactly 9 minutes, they have good service, Irene thought.

"Let's dig in!" Irene excitedly said, "Of course," Mal replied, the two girls had their slice of cake and drank their smoothie, "Mm, this tastes good, no wonder they are so popular," Mal said as she ate her cake.

"It's not bad, but the chef's cooking is much better," Irene mumbled. Mal laughed. They ate and talked for 10 minutes and left for their next shop.

"Lady, you know someone is following us, right?" Mal asked.

"Of course, 2 boys to be specific, ignore them, they won't be shameful enough to go into this dress shop," Irene said entering the store, Mal followed.

"Oh wow, they are more shameful than I thought," Irene sighed.


Hiya, ur author is here, I kind of went on a hiatus without saying I went on a hiatus, I will like to apologize, during this time I stressed and was thinking about dropping this, of course there are people who won't enjoy this novel, and I'm sorry. Don't worry this novel is still going, but it's future is unclear. Anyways STAN SVT!


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