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My name is Moon Cha-hee; I am 25 years old, a Korean female living in the US. I had just escaped my family's constant mental and physical abuse. 

I had three older brothers and a workaholic father. They couldn't care much about me since I supposedly "murdered" my mother. 

My mother died at childbirth, and somehow I was blamed for her death. I was teased and bullied by my brothers, not in a sibling-type of a way. 

At ten, I made an oath...when I turn 20, I will move out which I did, but after I turned 23. 

I usually surrounded myself with web novels wishing my life was as simple and nice as them.

"As I thought," I said in my head as I was reading a web novel during my lunch break. 

"I knew it, Irene poisoned Alice!" I said.

The web novel's  name was "I'm Alice" which it was about a girl named Alice Isabella Beverly. 

She had light and long brown hair that resemble chocolate with eyes so green it was like emerald. 

She was the daughter of Count Fredrick and they were a lovely family.

"She was just full-on pretty," I mumbled to myself, wishing my boring apperance was somewhat like hers.

"Compared to Alice, I'm nothing like a flick of dust, this is how she snatched the crown prince from the hands of Irene," again mumbling to myself.

The Crown Prince, Josiah William Alden, who had golden blond hair with deep and dark violet eyes, to summarize it, a really good-looking guy. 

As for the Villainess, well she was beautiful, but her personality not so much. Irene Garcia daughter of the Grand Duke, Elijah Oliver Garcia. 

She had beautiful long white hair that was often compared to the snow with sparkling blue eyes like a diamond.

However, this beautiful monster was beheaded later on from the spoilers I accidently read.

I continued my deep reading into the web novel even though I already know more than I should due to the spoilers. 

"I almost finished, only 5 chapters left plus with the side stories-" as I thought, cheering in my head until my boss called me.

 "Hey! Break time is over!" she was really rude, but who can blame her with that position she can do anything she wants. 

"Coming boss!" I yelled back.

I spent the rest of my day taking orders and working till my shift was over at the tech café I worked in.

"I wonder what I will be eating today for dinner." I whispered to myself. I happily walked down the streets to get home after an 8 hour shift.

Just five minutes away from home, and I needed to cross this road then as I was about to walk cross, my phone rang.

I sighed then searched through my purse to find my phone and looked at who was calling me...

It was an unknown number. The same unknown number that has been calling me for about a week now. 

"Giving horror movies beggining for real, like the movie series Scream..."

The first thought I had was questioning if I was going to enter a horror movie scenario.

"Interesting...and creppy, but I wonder who it could be, should I pick it up? It has been calling me for a week now," I said asking myself. 

Curiousity slowly consumed me and I picked up, "Hello?" I answered.

"Cha-hee, is that you?" a boy's voice came over the line. "Yes, this is she, but who are you, and why have you been calling me?" I asked getting straight to the point. 

"You don't know who am I?" he asked in Korean this time, silence emerged between us. 

"It was you! I told you to leave me alone, I am not part of this so-called please I can't do this not today not ever."

My eyes vision began to blur, there were tears forming.

The caller was one of my brothers, which one you may wonder.

Well, funny thing I can't remember their names. 

When I was about to hang up, he quickly said something, "Wait, wait let me explain myself, okay? I am sorry. But father is dying on the hospital bed and he's been asking for you, he wants you to come over to grant his last wish." 

"And what is that?" I asked him with a hint of boredom.

"He wants you to come back to Korea and stay by himself till he passes...." he said pathetically. 

I felt as if I could start crying laughing, pathetic, suddenly he wants me to play the role of the daughter.

"Ha! This is pathetic now, I have to go back to the place where I escaped from," I said in irony.

"Why don't you care, he is your FATHER!"

He raised his voice at me. 

"Hm, father? Never heard of it!" I said back with a loud and sarcastic voice. "

You insulant thing!" I heard from the background, I had a feeling that more than one person was listening to this call. 

"Insulting me isn't going to make me want to go back at all either!"

I laughed a little bit.

That is probably one of my other brothers, I thought. 

"Again, I don't care what you call me, but my answer is no so now, buh bye!" I said excitedly.

I saw that I could cross the road so I started to walk. Then heard over the phone...

"He wants you there since you resembled mother!" another voice screamed.

"Wait I looked like mother?" 

Is what I wanted to say, but it couldn't come out.

Now I stopped walking, and started to listen. 

"He said he wants his lovely daughter to be with him as he passed, since it will feel like both of her most precious girls there, his wife and his daughter." 

Is what they said before...the most unexpected thing happened to me.

A sudden bright light blinded me, then- BEEPPPPPPPPPPPP

"Hello? Hello? Are you there, what was with that beeping noise? Answer me!...You there little sister?"

And that's how I died.

Flatten by a truck at age twenty-three. 

Surprisingly, my last thoughts were "My web novel, I haven't finished it....also ramen could've been a great choice for dinner."

Also the fact I looked like my angelic mother for my whole entire life.

~Author's Note~



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