Chapter 48

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Alice started to get teary and jumped at Irene, Alice was now crying and hugging Irene tightly.

Irene returned the hug, but she was having trouble breathing.

"Alice, could you let me go now?" Irene said tapping Alice's back as a signal to let go. "Oh, my apologies!"

"Haha, I know you are excited," the horseman opened the door for the ladies, Irene stepped out first and reached her hand out for Alice.

In which, the maids gasped.

Irene was breaking some societal rules, males are the ones supposed to let out their hands for a lady to step outside of a carriage.

Irene felt stares at her, but the maid kept quiet.

Alice didn't mind and took her hand as she stepped out of the carriage.

"Welcome, the new lady of the home," Irene said with a booming voice, the mansion servants had all bowed.

"Welcome, Young Lady Alice Beverly," they said formally.

Alice got all flustered and said nervously.

"J-just call me Alice instead of Beverly, I feel awkward with such title," Alice said rubbing the back of her hair.

The servants nodded in response.

Elle stepped out of the bundle and introduced herself as well as welcomed Alice.

"I am Michelle Jordan, the head maid of the residence. Please be comfortable here," she curtsied.

"I will be in your care," Alice replied.

Irene watched the whole scene proud of the politeness of her workers in the residence.

As Elle curtsied so did Roxy and Mal behind her, the three maids Irene trusted very much.

Irene felt like something was missing, then a lightbulb lit up in her head.


Irene looked around for Ralph, wondering where was he. The white-haired felt a bit disappointed.

Irene shook it off, she thought he was with the Grand Duke again, doing his job as a knight.

He was quite strong as well.

Irene looked at Alice who was greeted by multiple servants.

"Alright, you may return to your regular jobs," Irene announced and in seconds, the front yard was cleared, but Elle.

Alice ran beside Irene, "You live with wonderful people!"

"Yeah I know, but where is my cute fluffy cloud?" Irene wondered for her dog, Sofia.

"Elle, where is Sofia?" Irene asked Elle, "Oh she is upstairs in the house," Elle responded, Irene, sighed with relief.

"Alice, let's go meet my Sofia," Irene said grabbing Alice's arms.

Alice nodded excitedly and the two hugged the arms and walked into the home.


Irene shouted for the dog, then Alice saw a big fluff rushing down the stairs, suddenly jumped towards them.

Alice yelped.

Irene laughed while sitting on the ground.

She was licked in the face by a dog, "Stop it, it tickles," Irene spoke as she patted the dog.

Sofia eventually stopped licking Irene in her face, snuggled in Irene's touch. Sofia then took notice of Alice.

Alice thought the dog was adorable and did not move.

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