Chapter Twenty Six

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"Say something in French." Roan said as he traced invisible lines on Kai's arm, that was wrapped around his waist. Kai hummed as he nestled into Roan's chest.

"Mon soleil se lève et se couche avec toi, mon précieux." Kai said as he held onto Roan tighter.

"I know the last part means 'my precious', but what about the rest?" Roan asked

"It means," Kai lifted his head slightly to look at the blonde, "That your breath stinks."

"Don't be an idiot." Roan huffed as he gently slapped Kai's arm, making the boy laugh as he rested his head on Roan's chest once again. Meanwhile, Roan kept repeating the line in his head over and over again so that he didn't forget it.

That night, after Kai fell asleep in Roan's arms, the blonde took out his phone, lowering the brightness so that it didn't wake Kai up. He opened the browser, and typed in what Kai had said into the translator.

'My sun rises and sets with you, my precious.'


Roan had never felt this empty in his entire life. He had told Kai that the brunette had an unhealthy amount of attachment to him, but the truth was that it went both ways. The only difference was that Roan was more mature in dealing with it, whereas Kai over analysed everything and ended up making very stupid decisions.

A part of Roan had already forgiven Kai. Afterall, how could he stay mad at the boy when the only thing Kai wanted was to not lose Roan. But the other part of him was hurt. So hurt. How could he believe anything that Kai had said to him the last few weeks?

Even if Kai kissed him out of lust, and not love, Roan would've been fine with that. That's what he was expecting, anyway. But Roan would never be okay with Kai sleeping with him just because he felt like he had to.

Moving on from Kai would've been the hardest thing he ever had to do, but he would've done it. Because at the end of the day Roan wanted the same thing that Kai did, to never let anything come between the two of them. To be with each other for life, no matter whether as friends or lovers.

But how was Roan supposed to move on now? Now that he knew what it felt like to hold Kai so close in his arm. To touch every inch of his body, to kiss his soft lips, to feel their heart beat as one. How was he supposed to leave all this behind and pretend like it never happened? How can he go a single day without craving it again?

Which is why Roan needed time away from Kai. He needed some distance between them, or he would go right back in his arms. There was no way in hell that he was going to let this come between them in the long run, and for that reason he needed space to be able to move on, just a little bit. Just enough so that they could go back to being friends.

"You okay, dude?" Derek asked as he waved a hand in front of Roan's face.

"Yeah." Roan replied, still looking pretty zoned out.

Derek and Roan entered the cafeteria, and Roan's eyes fell on his usual table. All his friends were there, and so was Kai. A few weeks had passed since he last spoke to Kai, and Roan had been spending his lunch hours in the library, avoiding people.

Everyone had noticed that something was going on between the best friends that had been inseparable since they were merely toddlers. They no longer drove to school together, or sat next to each other in classes. Kai's laughter was no longer heard in the hallways, and Roan just stayed hidden behind a book.

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