Chapter Eight

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"Ro.. Roan.."

Roan was awakened when he heard soft groans from beside him. Not only that, there was something.. pressing against his thigh. Roan opened a single eye to glance at his side. Kai had wrapped an arm around Roan's waist, propped up a leg onto his, and very gently moving his hips. More specifically, humping his dick against Roan's thigh.

Roan licked his lower lip as he felt Kai's erection. Straight my ass, Roan thought to himself. It was amusing how Kai kept claiming that he didn't want Roan, but was moaning the blonde's name in his sleep while rubbing himself on him.

"Kai, wake up," Roan repeated himself louder again, "Kai!"

"Huh? Huh, what?" Kai asked half sleepily.

"This is a very controversial position." Roan hummed.

"What? Wha—" Kai paused as he noticed how he was pressed up against Roan, "Shit."

Kai immediately slid back, and pulled up the blanket to hide his hard on. He was flushed, bright red with his eyes wide open. Roan let out a chuckle as he turned to his side to face his flustered best friend.

"I could help you with that." Roan glanced his eyes down for a single second to let Kai know what exactly he meant.

"I don't need your help." Kai said with a slight pout.

"Didn't seem that way a minute ago." Roan replied.

"I was having a dream about Zendaya." Kai said.

"Really? Why were you moaning my name, then?" Roan smirked.

"I wasn't!" Kai yelped, Roan didn't think it was possible for Kai to get any redder.

"Hm," Roan hummed, "My offer still stands."

"Oh, fuck off." Kai grumbled as he stood up and got out of the bed, holding the blanket in front of him to hide his erection. He gave Roan one last glare before rushing to the bathroom, almost tripping on the blanket, making Roan laugh at his clumsy yet adorable best friend.


"—And don't forget to get the permission slips signed from your parents. I want them on my desk by tomorrow." Coach Ziegler finished before walking out of the locker room.

Everyone was excited about their first away game. Especially because it meant staying at a three star hotel and sneaking in alcohol the night before. Their coach was actually an alumni of the school and had graduated about a decade ago, so he knew this tradition and didn't care much to stop the teenage boys.

"Okay. We get five rooms, that means three players per room—" Roan was cut off by Parker.

"But there's gonna be fourteen of us."

"I'm aware," Roan's tone was stern, "Kai and I will be sharing one room. The rest of you let me know your roommates by the end of the day. Groups of three. Just text it on the group and I'll pass it over to Coach. Also, Parker?"


"Don't interrupt me again when I'm talking, got it?" Roan looked at the redhead with a slight glare.

"Sorry, cap," Parker nodded, "I won't."

"Good. Dismiss."

Roan grabbed a towel and his change of clothes and went to take a quick shower. Kai did the same. Even though he preferred showering at home, after all the comments Roan made about him stinking up his car— Kai decided that maybe a two minute shower in the boy's locker room wouldn't hurt.

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