Chapter Twenty Two

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Roan looked in the rearview mirror and sighed. He knew that Khaled was eyeing the box of cookies they had but Roan would be damned before he let anyone litter his car with crumbs. He made eye contact with Khaled through the mirror, glaring at him to convey exactly what was on his mind.

The entire team couldn't make it, so there were only seven boys. Atleast they didn't have the need to carry any extra mattresses this way.

They had all shown up to Vaughn's place, with his parents' permission. They told him that they planned a picnic while his mom sneaked a bag with his clothes and meds required for the weekend and handed it to Marco who kept it in the trunk of his car.

Roan, Kai, and Khaled were in Roan's car. While Parker, Vaughn and Scott were in Marco's with him. The drive was of around four hours, and the boys were only halfway through the journey.

"What are we even going to do there with no booze?" Khaled asked.

"I brought uno." Kai spoke up.

"Parker said we could go swimming in the lake too." Roan reminded.

"Shit," Kai groaned, "I forgot my swimming trunks."

"I packed the extra pair you left at my house last summer," Roan said, "I kept an extra towel too."

"I forgot my towel too, shit. Thank you, sweetie." Kai said with a smile.

"No problem, honey." Roan replied.

"Wait, did I keep my toothbrush?" Kai furrowed his brows.

"I packed a spare." Roan answered.

"You both are literally like a married couple." Khaled observed.

"Nah." Both the best friends said simultaneously.

"See!" Khaled chuckled, "You can give my parents a run for their money."


"Yeah?" Khaled looked at Roan through the mirror.

"Shut up if you don't want to walk the rest of the way." Roan warned. Khaled gave him an amused smile before doing the action of zipping his lips shut.

Roan turned up the radio, Kai and Khaled sang along with the songs they recognised. Roan kept stealing glances at his best friend, a subconscious smile on his face. Kai was the only person Roan knew that would forget to pack his toothbrush but would remember to get Uno of all things.

"Won't Vaughn mind if we swim without him?" Kai randomly asked.

"Vaughn doesn't know how to swim anyway. It won't make a difference to him." Roan answered.

"How do you know that?" Khaled questioned.

"I pay attention," Roan rolled his eyes at his friends' unconvinced expressions, "Contrary to popular belief, yes I do."

"What's my sister's name?" Khaled asked.

"Elder one is Maliha, and younger one is Irha." Roan answered without having to think twice.

"What's my dog's name?" Khaled asked.

"Trick question. You don't have one." Roan smirked.

"Damn. I never thought you actually listened." Khaled was impressed.

"I've known you for like four years now," Roan sighed, "Of course, I listen. What do you people take me as?"

"Hey, it's not our fault, you just give.. the vibes." Khaled said.

"What vibes?" Roan asked.

"Just vibes."

"And you all think I suck at communication." Roan muttered.

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