Chapter 31

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Carter's POV

I ate too much pizza.

I woke up groggily in the guest room that had Eleanora's antique piano. I admired it from afar, I'm too hesitant to bother touching it. But it is a sight worth admiring.

I quickly showered and got rid of my old pizza breath and threw on the same clothes I slept in.. in my defense, I was already clean when I put them on. Secondly, I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be leaving. It's not like I live here....

I just need to find her and-

I stopped midway in my path as the sight of Eleanora sleeping in her bed soundly caught my eye.

She's effortlessly beautiful.

I don't want to wake her just to tell her I'm leaving... nor do I want to leave..

My phone vibrated and I was thrown off guard.

Mom: Morning sweetie!!

Me: can I stay for breakfast and good morning to you too lol

Mom: you're an adult, stay there as long as you'd like- just check in with Ms. Arturo first. I'm sure she's a busy lady. Kisses! And stop asking permission unless it's filling out a college application. Columbia university's entry should be opening up around December.

Me: thanks again. Speaking of college..

Mom: dad said julliard but I know you. I'm sure you'd want some flexibility with your schedule. It's your first season in the symphony and I can tell how much you enjoy it. Julliard is just going to take up all your free time. Colombia university is just as good as a music school and I'm sure you'd get a free ride if you were to audition. Now again: Kisses! Mwah mwah mwah

I stared blankly at my phone realizing that my mom put a lot of thought into this for me. I wonder if I have what it takes to be mom- hopefully almost as good as her.

I flinched hearing Eleanora readjust her sleeping position and curl up in her pillow as the morning sun softly warms her skin.

"Are you going to continue standing there or are you going to come here and say good morning?" Her voice groggily croaked and I felt my cheeks getting hot all over again.

Not how I wanted this to go.

"G-good morning," I entered her bedroom.

She slept in a king sized bed covered in red wine silk. The furniture was dark oak along with the floor boards and the walls were textured ivory white.

I stood over her golden glow and I naturally leaned over to kiss her. Her lips curled with a satisfied hummed as her hand cupped the side of my cheek.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked and her brown eyes practically sparkled in mine.

She's so breath taking.

"Considering I don't remember falling asleep in the guest bed, I probably slept good," I contemplated and she giggled.

"You fell asleep with a piece of crust in your mouth while we were watching one of your favorite shows last night, so I carried you up the steps.. I learned the hard way, I'm assuming you're all muscle aren't you?" She sighed dreamily as she rested her head into her hand.

I felt a wave of heat quickly flush across my face; I really fell asleep with pizza crust in my mouth next to her?

"I- well- um... how'd you sleep?" I changed the subject and she laughed freely.

"Why don't you come join me and you can find out for yourself?" She smirked and made a spot for me to climb in.

The second my hand touched the mattress, I almost jumped back; it's a water mattress. Diligently, I laid next to her and as I looked up, her bed had a top frame that contained mirrors.. I was looking at the reflection of the entire bed and how the silk ruffled naturally around the curves of her body.

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