Chapter 18

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Carter's POV

I know I said I was putting up my walls, but Ms. Arturo literally just played happy birthday to me on the violin!

I sound silly but-

I loved it.

I love the way she plays violin.. I wish I could play like her.

Luckily I was able to slip away with the swarm of other students coming into the rehearsal room with their belongings. I felt more awkward than usual with Ms. Arturo looking as beautiful as always and Ms. Michelle in the room with us.

"Carter could you play an A above middle C for me please?" My name was called and I followed as instructed while holding the note with the pedal.

"Thank you," Ms. Arturo's voice chirped and I ducked my head from her visuals..

I'm not sure why she'd ask me to help tune, her violin is literally next to her and it's in tune. She never asks me to-

"Okay everyone, tune your instruments to the concert master! Carter, grab the present I got you and meet me in the hallways. If we end up going into overtime with today's rehearsals because you don't want to open your present up, you're not leaving until you do every major scale and relative minor flawlessly in 140 beats per measure," she dances out of the rehearsal room and I was bombarded with a bunch of death glares..

I have no choice do I...

I shrugged hopelessly and hurried out of the rehearsal room with my gift in hand and I met Ms. Arturo around the corner of the hallway with the water fountain.

"Well, go on" she nudged me playfully.

"I feel like it's your birthday and not mine," I shrugged and she giggled.

I took out the ruffled paper and pulled out a-

It was beautiful.. I've never seen one in real life, let alone held one in my hands. It's rust made it all the more delicate.

"Sad how pawn shops don't know something valuable when they have one," she softly and proudly spoke.

"A French paquet antique metronome is nothing to joke about Ms. Arturo, I can't accept this gift. There's no way a pawn shop could have sold this at a low price, this at least has to be a generational hand me down gift from one of your family members," my eyes were still glued to the delicate wooden device.

"Take off the cover," she ignored me and came closer to me as I could feel her warmth grow onto my skin. I was already flustered, but my body is boiling with discomfort.

She took off the wooden cover and there was aged gold that still shined brightly as ever with a dark green velvet for the interior. It looked so delicate, I was too scared to touch it..

Ms. Arturo moved the dial for it to tick and my ears instantly became engulfed with how rich the sound was.

I couldn't accept this, even I'm not stupid to ignore its actual worth.

"Carter, if it makes you feel better, I have the receipt. And my grandmother was the first to take a professional approach in music. This is far older than she is," she giggled and placed it into my hands again.

I was still captivated by how my ears would tingle to the sound the metronome would make, I could almost feel them twitch. The moment last only shortly after as the dial stopped and she placed it back into first position.

"Still.. it's too good of a

"I know you're worth, and if you ask me, you're worth more than an antique metronome that came from France," Ms. Arturo cut me off and I hitched a breath.

I was too intimidated by the change of tone in her voice to look her in the eyes, but she lifted my chin and I could see unheard melodies sing from her twinkling eyes..

If only everyone else could hear what I hear just by the genuine look she gives me.

"You're so adorable," she giggled as she came down to place a kiss on my cheek and it burned so much but I indulged to every crevice her lips did not come into contact with my skin.. I yearned to feel more, it pained.

"Happy birthday, Carter," her thumb stroked the side of my cheek gently.

I've never been more breathless, I was lost in the moment and nearly dropped the damn metronome and stumbled.

"Easy, I know I got it at a cheap price, but Carter seriously?" She was excited as she caught it and carefully placed it back into my hands.

"Carter?" She completely spaced me out.

I couldn't bare it.

I pushed the metronome back into her hands causing her to be pushed up against the wall and I closed the gap between us craving her lips on mine.

I could feel her lips melt into mine and I couldn't feel them anymore but her airy moan made my ears tickle as her fingers laced the back of my neck and I found them once more.

"When push comes to shove," she giggled as her hand cups my chin.

"Thank you," I softly spoke and backed away from her.

My face is all hot.

"Hmm we should get back to rehearsals before we do overtime for a completely different reason," she checked her watch.

"Yeah and you'd be at fault and not me," I laughed picking up my trash and carefully placed the cover on the metronome again. I still need the gift bag, the ruffle paper just bothers my ear after it ruffles so much.

"Carter, I'll add on to the list of scales and make you play all the melodic and harmonic minor scales," she teased and I giggled.

"You might as well add the chord progressions and arpeggios. You're trying to punish a musician who loves music with music," I reminded her and she was speechless to the moment of me being carefree and equivalently humorous with her.

She quickly covered her expression with a soft smirk, "I'll email your mom telling her you don't need to come to rehearsals next week," she gave me a gentle glare and I could see the whites in my own pupils, I was stunned.

No, stop getting nervous.

"Good luck because I have a car now," I left her speechless and skipped down the hall.

"Ms. Cammery!" My name was yelled and I instantly stopped and took small and timid steps back to the hallway to find Ms. Arturo meeting me around the corner.

"S-sorry," I mumbled almost bumping into her and she had the most mischievous smirk.

"What are your plans this evening?" She lifted my chin again forcing me to look into her eyes.

"I- my birthday?? With my family?" I fumbled horribly.

"Ah yes, very busy schedule. What of tomorrow," she arched a brow and my ears are ringing to the sound of her accent.

"I- I don't know, what of it?" I replied anticipating an answer- not sure what it might be, hopefully something good. It's always something good with her.

"Lunch is on me, I'm picking you up at your place. I already have a restaurant in mind," she strode past me with confidence as she flips her hair.

"Is this a date?!" I panicked and her hand was just on the door as she looked at me like I was crazy.

"Yes, get your ass in here and let's rehearse!" She whispered yelled.

"Oops... hehe," I giggled and she rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh but had a smile she couldn't fight.

A/N: I'm excited to do the first date😭 it so invested with this love story

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