Chapter 21

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Carter's POV

"I can't find itttt!" I was whining across the house.

"Carter, honey, talk to me. No more tantrums okay? What are we looking for?" My mom rushes towards me as she finishes putting in her pearl earring.

"My brooch," I admitted embarrassed.

"Here, you can borrow mine for tonight- think of it as good luck," my dad takes his glistening gold plated autumn leaves brooch from his collar and attaches them to my ivory white collar.

"It's perfect," he kissed the top of my head and I smiled in comfort.

Now we can leave the house and get this show on the road.

It's been a while since I've done a live performance. But I know this is different- the atmosphere is different; I feel weightless, nothing for me to worry about.

Not even flashbacks of competing with Raheem  are shaking me now. This isn't competition, this is sharing music with others and I couldn't be anymore excited. This was all I've ever wanted to do.

I can't wait to go back out there into the world and let them know I'm making my return and I'm here for good.. the last thing I wanna deal with is the gossip but that doesn't discourage me- anymore...

"Carter!" I found myself in Eleanora's grasp as she holds me by my shoulders.

"Are you alright?" She asked me the moment I finally made eye contact.

I looked around in the rehearsal room and it's buzzing with people dressed in their concert attire. Acknowledging the atmosphere consumed me. It's all too overwhelming.

...almost like my last music event...

"Carter," she lifts my chin to make me focus on her.

"I- I don't know," I was reconsidering everything that was going on in my mind-

What if I'm not ready?

"Come with me," she takes the lead and I follow her to a hallway that's more quiet.

"What's bothering you?," her eyes glistened with concern and I wish I could find the words but-

"You look beautiful..." I blurted as I took her presence in; she wore a black blazer suit with her hair up in a neat bun.. the patter her highlights have made it all the more illuminating.

"As flattered as I feel right now, Carter my concerns reside with you. You've been completely zoned out since you got here," her words causes me to snap back into reality.

"Just excited is all," I felt my cheeks getting hot knowing how vocal she is.

Even if I were to tell her what was going on in my mind, I don't think she can really hel-

"You're adorable... just know this, I'm right there with you. You dont have to worry about going through anything alone. Carter you are beyond extraordinary. I know you can smash this concert," she spoke warmly and it made my body flutter inside and out.

"All I want is to be the person you see me capable of being," I smiled in defeat..


"I mean it! I'm so antsy- and excited, but determined that I'm going to give you the best you deserve," I felt myself being uplifted the more I spoke.

Eleanora was breathless as her eyes kept in mine and I became quiet all over again.. maybe I am in over my head... I just wanted to-

My face was cupped by warm hands as fingers tangled the back of my head in my curls and I was thrown off guard with lips that could steal my name with just a mere whisper.

"Carter, I'm starting to find you irresistible the more I see you light up about music," Eleanora runs her thumb along the bottom of my lip and I struggled to find the words to speak.

"I have you to thank," I smiled brightly as I met her eyes.

"Before a search party starts, promise me that you won't hide anything that's troubling you? I know you're excited to perform publicly again but Carter- I care about you. I wouldn't allow myself to sleep at night knowing that glimmer in your eye dies off and I could've prevented it," her thumb strokes my cheek and I could see the concern in her eyes.

"I think you're the one that's really nervous here," I giggled and practically pranced on our way back.

There was a slight shock in her eyes and could her chest slightly rise as she softly gasped at me and shook away her thoughts with a warm smile...

"Carter, you've yet to cease to amaze me," she almost speaks to herself.

I couldn't help myself but smile brightly up at her and her arms find themselves wrapped around my waist.

"I wonder what goes on in that mind of yours, you've always been optimistic when it comes to music- even when those kids took advantage of you that one rehearsal, you still remained bright," Eleanora took a moment to study me.

"It's hard to say..." my voice died off.

I could feel the heat, the tension between us from being this close.

"I wonder why, we're alone. You're safe with me," Eleanora's voice comforted me.

"W-when I'm with you, I can't recall anything else that was I thinking. I'm conscious of everything until you're in my presence... I can't help but wonder do you crave to he acknowledged by me the way do you," I mumbled my unspoken truth.

It was with no hesitation a shiver cascaded my body the same as Eleanora's were on mine. Everything was overwhelming; her perfume, her soft hands cupping my face- I can't breathe.

I felt a cold wall balance me against my back as Eleanora stands over me and I could feel myself get consumed by her affection.

"The things you do," I whispered breathlessly as I looked up at the beautiful woman I get to call my conductor.

"The things you say," she cupped my face again and I felt my ribs tremble as her knee goes in between my legs.

The sound of chatter of kids roaming from a distance brought us to our senses and I was able to see clearly after being drowned by Eleanora's affection.

"We don't have a minute to spare Carter. Stop being cute for Christ sake," she curses as she rushes down the hall

"How about one more second?" I caught up to her and she faces me.

"Literally one second- go," she scoffs playfully and I instinctively stole a kiss from her and ran back to the rehearsal room.

"Carter!" I could hear her laughing from a distance.

AN: sorry sorry, i got burnt out last week and im still being schedule 5 days a week until January bc of the holidays. I'll figure it out- this was not the plan

The Music In My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora