Chapter 47

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Kabir's pov

Dear Vansh,

There's no best way to say goodbye to someone we love. You know that I can't face you after everything that happened. So here I'm, writing down my apologies and gratitude.

It was just simple at the beginning: you were my prime suspect and I was the incharge Officer. But as you always said there is nothing simple in the Vansh Raisinghania world. Not only you made my life miserable but you made me work out for nothing. From the very beginning you could have told me the truth instead of behaving suspiciously. But as I said there are no simple answers for you. You sent me on cruise holidays. With you of course. And yes, I never admitted it but it was the best trip of my life. Not only did I experience sea life but I got to know you, up close and personal.

I never thought to experience such feelings with someone. To be with someone as I was with you. Thanks for giving me something I never believed could happen to me. I never wanted to have feelings for you because this whole scenario was complicated and impossible. Every my intentions to stay away from you was crashed, smashed and thrown away by you. It was impossible to not notice you. To not fall for you. Only your presence can bring a sense of warmth and joy into my life. Sometimes I wondered if it was you or your aura that gave you this power on people.

When my feelings started to come up I tried to push them away because I never wanted to get involved with you. Not because I wouldn't but because I couldn't. Deep down I knew we belonged to two different worlds that are in contrast with each other. You always wanted to make things between us eternal but I always knew that there was no way in this life that we could be a normal couple. And that not for the strict mentality people here live with but because how could the Day stay with the Night? That was us. Two parallel lines that exist together but never meet.

You know what wrecks my heart apart? The fact that we didn't end things up because of my so predicted reasons but because of our dark past that we never knew the existence of.

How could destiny do this to us huh? Brings us together to rip us apart. Knowing our fate, knowing our past, knowing that this wasn't going to end well. Why would God do this to us?

But I have no complaints. At the end this brought you to me, even though it was for a short period of time, at least I got to feel the heart inside me.

So I wanna thank you for everything. Thanks for coming into my life and making it best.

As I said it was meant to finish one day. And this is that day. I did what I had to and now it's time for the last thing. Apologies to you. I know it is not enough for all the pain my mom and I caused you but at least it will give you closure from all this. A way to leave all this behind and move on.

I'm sorry for all the bad days, for all the tears and for the struggle that you went through in your life. I can't change anything but I can wish you all the happiness and love in your life. Hope that one day you will find someone who could be with you forever.

I got transferred far away from here so we won't come across in the future. and I really hope that in another life I could be your soulmate.

Goodbye Vansh.

P.S. Take care and don't change. you are perfect as you are. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE:                                                                                                                             Hello everybody! I would first like to wish you a very very belated, healthy, safe and prosperous New Year.                                                                            I then would like to apologize for the whole time you had to wait for these chapters.  I hope you guys would enjoy them.                                                              Lots of Love, Maya.  🧡🧡

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