Chapter 12

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Kabir's POV

I woke-up feeling like someone was banging my head. Suddenly a nauseous feeling hit me. I hate hangovers! And that's the reason why I don't drink much.

God knows what was in my mind when I drank yesterday.

I opened my eyes and realized that I wasn't in my room but in cruise's hotel room. My head was continuously pounding and my memory wasn't helping me to recall what happened last night.

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said and after a few seconds my brain's cells registered that the door could only be opened from inside. "Wait a moment please." Even talking was providing pain and they wanted me to get up from the bed. Putting together my muscle strength I managed to get out of the bed and finally opened the door.

"Good morning, Sir." A cruise member was standing on my door with some stuff in her hand.

"Yes?" I said trying to figure out what was going on.

"I brought you some lemon water and advils."

"Thanks...but who told you that I need them?"

"There was a note left on the reception's counter."

"Okay." I took the tray from her hand and closed the door. I took the medicine and drank the lemon water. I didn't feel like eating anything so I had a long and warm bath. Once my body started to relax, some blur images of last night crossed my mind. And I began to replay yesterday's events. Me going to the party, meeting Vansh, giving him the gift, him leaving me alone, I checking him out, then drinking a lot of drinks....I couldn't remember anything else after that. I loathe situations like this. When you can't remember a time-frame where I could have done God knows what. I kept trying to recollect some of the blur images, but couldn't get anything out of them.

I don't know why, but my mind drifted to Vansh. Has he opened the gift? If yes, I wish I was there watching his expression. It's not like I was late, so I quickly finished my bath, got dressed and went to find him. I really wanted to know if he will still thank me for being thoughtful. I don't know why, but this thought seemed like deja-vu. Like I have already said this before. But I didn't give it another thought, and went back to look for Mr Prime Suspect.

While I was wandering around, I saw a clock and noticed that it was already midday. Therefore, I decided to check for him in the Main Seating. And of course, I was right. He was sitting with his family, and enjoying the lunch. I didn't want to interrupt the family-time they were having, so I took a seat on a random table near me. Soon after a waiter came with a menu and some water. I gave a quick look to the menu, but didn't find anything appealing to eat. When he came back to take my order.

"You're ready to order sir?"

"Hmm...can you suggest something light?"

"Yes, maybe a plate of salad or a soup or a light sandwich....?"

"Mmmm... salad sounds good."

"Anything to drink, sir?"

"Just a mineral water bottle."

After this, he went back to get my order.

While waiting for my lunch, I casually looked around, and saw him, again, with a sweet smile on his face, talking to a girl, maybe his sister, on a wheelchair.

I was so lost watching him, that I didn't even notice the waiter coming and putting my salad and the water bottle in front of me.

"Enjoy your meal, sir" and with that he went over to serve another client.

I was playing with my food with the fork, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Are you planning on how to turture me in the jail, Inspector?" he said with his husky voice.

I turned my head to see him and followed him with my eyes until he took the seat on the opposite side of my table. "Good afternoon to you too, Vansh." I simply said.

"How're you doing?" He asked with a neutral expression. I thought that he would be pissed for the present I gave him, but there was no sign of anger on his face.

"Exactly the same as a man forced to spend a week holiday on a cruise would feel." I mumbled, taking a piece of salad in my mouth.

"Oh come on, Kabir. I thought that you had accepted the fact that you can't do anything about it and finally started to enjoy yourself. " he stated. The stupis smirk returned on his lips.

Oh god how much I detest that look. And suddenly I remembered why I was there. "Did you like my present?"

He suppressed a smile. He put a hand on his mouth, trying to hide his enjoyment.

This reaction caught me off guard. The handcuff and the prisoner t-shirt was supposed to have an opposite reaction. Like if not angry at least he should be offended. But he was laughing at it, if not enjoying the fact that I gave him his own gift back.

"The present was so of you, Inspector. I really liked it. As I said it before, it was so thoughtful of you."

And I got annoyed by the fact that he was not hurt. How could a person be happy by receiving a stupid and offensive gift like that? "Oh...glad you like it." I said with a disappointed voice. "Why are you here?You need something?"

He sighed heavily "I have said this before, Kabir, Vansh Raisighania doesn't need anything from you. I was here just to ask you if you are feeling fine after the party."

"Why shouldn't I feel good?" He confused me. Was he worried for me? Nah, maybe he was just cooking stuff to irritate me.

He gave me how-could-you-not-know look. I was confused by his reaction and he was confused by my reaction.

"What?" I asked again, raising my eyebrows.

"You actually forgot it or you don't want to admit that you were wasted last night?"

How the hell did he know that I was drunk last night?!?

Author Note: This is an early update, the second chapter is on it's way. Hope you guys will like it.

Please VOTE, share and comment your opinions.

Lots of love; Maya.

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