Chapter 9

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Kabir Pov

I looked at the clock. It was ten past seven at night. I really didn't have any idea when the party was going to begin, but I'll be there at nine. The main reason I was going to that party was because Vansh mentioned that there were going to be his business friends. I doubt that he would invite me somewhere I could find something against him or someone. The probability I will find something in my favor was few, but my career has taught me not to underestimate fate. And there was no harm in attending a party.

I was about to open my suitcase to check if I had put also my tuxedo or any elegant outfit, but someone knocked at the door.

A cruise member was standing on the door with a big pack in her hand."Good evening sir, this is for you."

"Who is this from?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"I don't sir, we were asked to deliver it to your room. Have a good evening, sir." and after this she handed me the gift and left.

I brought the gift into the room and opened it. There was a back tuxedo in it, with a shirt and a bow instead of a tie. A note was left underneath the bow. It read:

To Inspector Kabir, wear this tonight.

Your prime suspect

I laughed out loud. He must be kidding me! Who did he think I am? I may not make that much money but I can afford decent wear for parties. And if I had forgotten to pack a formal suit, I can buy one from the cruise clothes shops.

At that moment I had a brilliant idea. I went to the mall area to get the thing I need. Now I was going to enjoy the night.

At 9 o'clock I was ready. I took the present that I bought for Vansh and left the room.

A doorman opened the door for me. The hall was not crowded. Just the necessary people.

The first thing that I noticed were their dresses. Each and every member was wearing very expensive and elegant clothes.

I looked around, looking for a specific person. Spotted him near the bar area. I went over to him.

"Good evening, Mr Prime Suspect." I said with a genuine happy smile.

He turned to face me with a smile. But when he gave a look to my tux his smile disappeared.

I found a blue suit in my clothes so I decided to wear that one. Although I wouldn't wear his gift. I'd prefer to buy a new one than accepting his giving.

"A very good evening to you too, Kabir." he said, bringing his attention back to me.

He was wearing a black tuxedo, similar to the one he sent me. He was looking a little different in it. Maybe more younger. The dark fabric put emphasis on his tone body. What in the hell I was thinking? I gave myself a mental freak and said: "Nice party, by the way."

"Oh thank you. Hope you'll enjoy it."

" Of course I will. And yeah, this is for you." I handed him the present I bought for him.

"That really thoughtful of you Kabir." he gave me a doubtful smile.

I am really thoughtful. And he will discover it when he will open that gift.

"Wanna drink?"

I was about to answer him when someone called him. He excused himself and left me there again with the words on the tongue. And that was the second time that it was happening on the same day. It's okay Kabir, it's okay. We have to deal with it.

I got myself a drink and started to observe around. I couldn't recognize anyone. They were new faces for me. I took out my phone and clicked some pictures of them.

Something caught my attention. It was none other than Vansh's smiling face. Not the usual smirk he gave me everytime, but a real, full smile.

He was talking to his Grandmother, I guess. If someone asked I knew that man, I probably would have answered with a big and clear no.

He wasn't the self blinded guy. He wasn't either the arrogant richman. He was just a normal man. Sitting with his family. Laughing and having fun.

His beard covered most of his face but the grin on his lips were so distinguishable. From that distance I could see the enjoyed look in his eyes. He was so delighted that it made blush.

Oh my god! I was blushing!!! No Kabir. No. He might look handsome but he was a criminal.

Yes he was looking very very good in that attire but I was here to arrest him... what I'm saying? needed a drink. I really needed a drink.

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