Chapter 31

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Kabir's pov

Wow! I mean WOW!

Let's start. First off, he is VERY HOT! Like I saw him changing in the cruise before, but this was on another level. Completely without clothes. Just a towel. And also that was threatening to slip. I was surprised that I was breathing in front of that view, but if the thing would have moved a little I could have passed out. Then second off, the mystery behind his parents death. I have to admit the case looks very intriguing. Don't get fed up there many more offs. So, third off, his driver! How could some be so fit and so attractive. Fourth off, his car, no no no, his cars! And last but not least, the limousine! That's not a car. That's a house in itself. And again. Vansh.

The driver's voice from the intercom interrupted my thoughts. I haven't paid attention to where we were heading, because I was busy having fun and admiring the internal sight of the car. It's not a good thing considering my profession. But today I was allowed to distract and enjoy myself fully.

Shekhar opened the door and I admired him for a little bit rather than looking where we were. A strong and fresh wind hit my face and I looked up at the view. It was a deserted field. "Soaring?" I whispered, more to myself than to anyone else. Vansh came out of the limousine and put his hand on my back and guided me toward a middle-aged man. He gave a hand shake to Vansh. "Good morning sir. I am your copilot for today."

"Good morning ... He is Kabir and will be on board with me." Vansh introduced me.

"Hello, sir." the pilot said.

"Hello." I said back.

In front of us there were two planes parked in line. The second one wasn't a normal plane but a sailplane. We were about to glide a sailplane! I have read and heard about it...okay I should be honest. It attracted me a lot, or better, when I saw it on a documentary I loved it. I wished to do it one day but the shortage of time, laziness during the few holidays and the cost were everything that hindered it.

But how did Vansh know about it? I looked at him and opened my mouth to ask him but no sound came out. He was now wearing sunglasses and... they were looking great on him. I regained my senses and asked. "How did you know?"

His smirk came back on his face. "At your home I found some magazines that were about it but didn't find a picture of you doing it. So I figured that you would like to do it."

"I would like it? I love it!" I whispered so the pilot couldn't hear me.

The pilot explained us the basics and then he headed to his plane. Vansh took the seat behind leaving me just one option. "What are you doing?"


"I can't take the command. I never did it before." I affirmed.

"Why? You've been watching it and doing research on it. So I guess you're more than capable. But if you make any mistake, we are finished." he joked.

I sighed and got to the pilot seat. It was simple but tough, someone with more experience should do it.

The other plane started and so do we. The best thing about these planes is that they don't need an engine. They are manufactured with light materials and in a way that they use the wind to stay in the air.

When we got to a certain point, the co-pilot announced us the exact height and asked permission to realise our plane. I agreed and then it went.

At the beginning I was nervous but Vansh's voice calms me a little bit. "It's okay Kabir. We are not going to die. It's just for fun. Enjoy it like the pool table game." he said.

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