Chapter 26 (Vansh's POV)

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Vansh's pov

"How is it?" he asked.

I have to admit it's good... but it's still... cheesy.

"It's still cheesy." I said.

He made a disgusted face "You don't know what good, delicious, heavenly, tas-"

"I get the point, Kabir." I interrupted him.

"You don't get the point. Do you even realize what you are saying? Do you?" he said in an over exaggerated manner.

"Okay, okay. It's good. Are you happy now?" I asked, raising my arms in surrender.

"Not the answer I wanted, but it will do." He smiled and started to eat his pizza.

Watching him so happy just by getting a pizza made me ecstatic. Just seeing him smile made my day.

We ate our lunch in silence, and when the waiter came, I was going to pay when Kabir stopped me.

"It's on me. Remember?"


"No buts. I'm paying."

He paid the bill, and we went bowling.

When we arrived there, a girl with a big smile behind the counter greeted us.

"Good afternoon, sir! How many games do you want?" she asked.

"I want to reserve a lane for an hour:" I said before Kabir could say anything. I felt him glaring at me, but I ignored him. "Lane thirteen."

"Okay." She said the price and this time I paid for it... well it wasn't that easy: I had to force Kabir on accepting it, and he was now pouting. He was looking so adorable. Concentrate Vansh, concentrate.

"This is not fair. This was supposed to be on me." he said once we arrived at the lane after getting our bowling shoes.

"It's okay, Kabir. You paid for lunch, I paid for this."

"Why did you book it for an hour?"

"Because first I'll teach you how to play, then we'll have some games for fun, and the last game... we'll play our bet."

He nodded. "But I'm still not okay with you for paying."

I simply rolled my eyes. "Okay. I'll go first, so you will watch me playing, then I'll help you."

"No. I don't need your help."

"As you wish."

I went to take the ball, a black ball, and eyed the lane. I took three steps and threw the ball. And... STRIKE!

I turned and gave Kabir an arrogant smile. "Your turn."

"I know."

He went to get the ball, took three steps... one pin down. The second time... the ball went in the gutter.

In the middle of the game Kabir said "I quit."


"You are doing strikes or spares, and I didn't even hit more than three pins."

"It's your own fault Kabir. You were the one who didn't want me to teach you. But if you ask, I might consider helping you."

"Okay. Will you teach me?" he asked.

I smiled and agreed. "Yes. Let's get started."

He nodded his head and we went to get the ball.

"Okay, first take a lighter ball. It will be easier to get a strike." he nodded and did what I said. "Now position yourself. Remember you have to be flexible. Angle the ball into the pocket. As you are a right-handed bowler your pocket is between the one-pin and the three-pin. You have to keep your arm straight on the backswing. Last but not the least, curve a little the ball before throwing it."

Kabir kept nodding his head while I was explaining.

He went to bowl, but also this time the ball went in the gutter.

"Also this didn't work."

"It's okay. Come I'll show you."

I got a ball, and gestured to Kabir to come closer. When he came near me, I grabbed his shoulder and slowly turned him towards the lane. I then went with his arm and handed him the ball. In the meanwhile my heart was beating so fast that I was sure he heard it beating. Our bodies were close, and I whispered in his ear "Now." making him shiver. I brought his arm back, and then I threw the ball, still holding his hand.


Even after the spare we didn't move. Me behind him, holding his hand... it was like time stopped, like there were just us. Kabir turned his head a little back to look at me. Our faces were just some centimeters apart. My temptation to move forward was high. But I didn't dare move, because I thought if I moved, I'd ruin the moment.

I kept staring at him, and I got lost in his beautiful dark brown eyes.

Then my eyes went to his lips. His eyes did the same: they went to my lips.

Memories from the night on the cruise came to my mind. Our closeness. But this time, he wasn't drunk. And maybe that's why neither of us didn't make a move.

My hands went to his waist and I made him turn, so this way he was facing me. Our faces were some centimeters apart. I was closing the gap when suddenly Kabir backed off.

I can't say I wasn't disappointed, I wanted to do this from that night on the cruise, but maybe it's for good. I like the friendship that's building between us, and I don't want to ruin it.

"Ahem." Kabir cleared his throat. His cheeks were red as tomatoes.

"Hmm.. So do you know how to play now?"

"Well after my great teacher explained it to me like... that, I'm sure I'm gonna win the bet." he said, smirking.

I was happy that he was trying to not let awkwardness create between me and him. So I continued to play along with him.

"Don't let this fool you, Kabir. I didn't share all of my secrets on how to get back to back strikes." I said and winked at him.

"You... said you'll teach me." he said in fake hurt.

"But I never said I'll tell you my special power."

"Just wait and watch Vansh Raisinghania, I will destroy you." he said pointing a finger at me.

"Let's see who destroys who."

"Are you challenging me?"


"Challenge accepted."

We shook our hands, and burst out laughing.

"You are so dramatic." I said to him.

"Well what can I say? It's a quality that I have."

I shook my head at his behaviour. "So, shall we play our bet?"

"Yes, sir!" he exclaimed, saluting me.

We got ready for our last game.

"I'll go first now!" he commanded.

"As you wish"

We started to play. He was pretty good now. He also did few strikes and spares. But... when you are playing with a champion like Vansh Raisinghania... it's obvious who will lose. And that's exactly what happened.

I won the game. 


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