Chapter 42 - Going home.

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Oscar POV

"So, are you going to tell her?"

I asked the Master.

The world, no, the so-called multiverse is too small. Who would've thought that you could meet someone you know in your previous life in another world?

And what are the chances that the other person is the family you are desperately looking for?

If it were me, I would've definitely jumped at her and hugged her tight the moment I saw her.

But the Tower Master was acting so businesslike. Even though he was wearing a weird mask.

"No. She is living a different life as a different person now. It's enough that I look out for her from afar."

Eugene-sama smiled weakly.


He must've really wanted to hug her and reveal to her who he really is and tell her how much he misses her.

But he was being considerate, for Allyssa's sake.

"But, even as a stranger, I want to get to know her. Fortunately, I have you, my successor, who's like a brother to her. It makes things easier. I'm satisfied enough if things continue as it is."

Eugene-sama flashed a refreshing boyish smile.

Ah, he's beautiful.

Holy moly! I need to be reminded that he is an almost 300 years old geezer. He's my master, for God's sake!

I still can't get used to his original appearance.

It was just a few months ago he revealed this form to me. And it is a face that is very pleasing to the eyes.

"Eugene-sama, I was curious..."

I stared at his young, still-smiling, exotic, handsome face.

"Who did you take after? Uhm. Your look, I mean."


My master raised his brows. But then he smiled. His smile was a bit mischievous, but full of pride.

Damn that youthful smile! If a smile can kill, I'm already dead! It would be better if he can revert back to his usual old-man appearance. It's too bad for my health to have a boss that looks like this!

"Luckily, I did not resemble that despicable father of mine."

Eugene-sama touched his face.

"This look definitely did not look anything like that old prick."

"Then, your mother must be a very beautiful lady."

I deduced.

"She was. And even now, she still is."

We both nodded and shared a knowing smile.

End of Oscar POV


Clack, clack!

The carriage made a noise on a bumpy road.

But the carriage didn't shake at all. In fact, it was very smooth and comfortable.

It reminded me of a distant memory of riding a bullet train in Japan a long time ago.

Magic carriages sure are convenient!

Come to think of it, everything related to magic reminded me of the technology of my previous life. It was familiar, but not the same.

However, it is not the issue right now!

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.Where stories live. Discover now