Chapter 38 - Her past life and His destiny.

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Oscar POV


Allyssa is crying quietly as I carried her to her bed.

I sat on the edge of the bed and gently caressed her beautiful black hair. I took out my handkerchief from my robe's inner pocket and wiped her tears away.

"Thank you, Oscar."

I don't know what had happened between her and the man Selene Abraham brought. He was most probably Lucas Maxwell I heard so much about, but I don't wish to pry. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy.

Because Allyssa is my savior. My salvation.

I'd do anything for her. She was the reason I was able to embrace myself. When nobody else including my own self can accept who I am, she took my hand and acknowledged me.

And of course, another reason was, she is my cute, precious second cousin sister. Nobody is as lovely as her. How could anyone not love her?

"Now, now. Have some water. You'll ruin your pretty face if you keep on crying. My poor godchildren will be sad too. Poor babies. They must be worried about their mommy."

"Thanks, Oscar."

Allyssa took the floating glass that I brought with magic. She took a sip of water. Then, she finally looked at me and smiled through her tears.

"Enough with the thanks. I don't want to hear them. I just want you to smile like this. Come on, give me a sweeter smile in place of your thanks."


Allyssa let out a small laugh and smiled like an angel.

"See, you looked better like this, Ally love."

Looked like she has calmed down.

"Don't you want to ask me about what just happened?"

Allyssa asked me.

"Hm? Do you want me to? Alright then, what happened? That guy must be Lucas, right?"

"Yeah. That was Lucas. He's their father."

Allyssa slowly sit up and leaned her back to the bedhead. She placed both her hands on her baby bump and smiled sadly.


She sighed.

"I overreacted, don't you think?"

"Hm? I didn't get the whole picture, but from what I saw, I guess you overreacted, just a little."

Allyssa threw me a disbelieving look. I chuckled. Whatever her facial expression is, she is still so lovely.

"Alright, alright. You overreacted big time! You messed everything up."

I resignedly told her what she wanted to hear.

"I know right! Now that I'm able to think straight, I realize that I really messed up."

She sighed with remorse.

"But the moment I saw Lucas and Selene together, I don't know what had gotten into me. I was overcome by fear. All I wanted was to run away from Lucas and stay away from their life... As if the ghost of my past life was haunting me."

She said her last sentence in a whisper as if she was talking to herself.

I moved closer to her and sat beside her. I put my arm around her shoulders. I leaned my head to hers as my hand patted her head softly.

I was knocked up by the ML and currently running away.Where stories live. Discover now