Chapter 34 :- Terrible Past

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⚠️ Warning : Talking about Abuse and Rape ⚠️

Aryan's P.O.V.

"Aww, your unicorn and candies life is over, little brother. This is a tough life, which you never get, till now." He again mocked and smirked.

"ENOUGH" I had enough of him.

"DO YOU THINK WE HAVE EASY LIFE ? At the age of 3 , we are kidnapped. Not knowing, where we were, not knowing, what will happen next, not knowing, next moment we will survive or not. How could you even imagine, kidnapped children would have easy life ?" I asked him in disbelief.

I can see guilt in his eyes but he still hold cold look. While, Aarav has a curious expression.

"And what are you asking me, why did I beat your dad ? I beat your dad because my sister is suffering because of your Dad. Your Dad brings her horrible memory back. The memory which she is forgetting slowly, which was fading slowly, again become fresh, only because of your so called Dad" I snapped at them.

"Which memory" Aarav said quietly but still coldly.

I chuckled.

"Why do you care ?" I asked him coldly.

"We care, because you blame all these on our dad" Arjun said coldly.

I scoffed but stayed silent.

"Ooo, so you are blaming this on our Dad because you can't protect your sister, huh ?" He smirked.

They are right.

You are nothing but a failure.

It hurts. It really hurts.

"I know it's my fault, I know I can't protect my sister. I was present there whole time, but I can't help her. I was unable to help her. They beat her, touch her, r-rape her, but I can't save her. I was helpless" I control my tears.

"W-what ?" Aarav asked shocked and furiously

"R-Rape ?" Arjun asked shocked and with guilty.

I again chuckled sadly.

"What happened ? Why are you both looking so pale ? You just heard this and this is your reaction. I saw this" I said with tears now, remembering those times. My heart became heavy.

"W-what ?" Arjun stuttered.

"Yes, You both will never understand what was going through with a brother who holds his teenage s-sister's n-naked body in his arms. I hold her. I cried for help. I was weak. I tried to help but I can't. I was helpless. I heard my sister's scream, when t-th-hey-" I can't complete myself, immediately two arms wrapped around my body and hugged me tight and started rubbing my back.

I hugged back without caring about how pathetic a Mafia King is looking crying. I never knew, someone other than Ari could comfort me.

"You both are so brave. You gone through this much, and here I was thinking we had a tough life. I am really sorry, Aryan. I am really sorry" Aarav said still hugging me.

It felt so nice after such a long time again hugged by brother.

I looked at Arjun who was standing there with guilt, shocked, angry, worried and most importantly sad face.

We both pulled out from the hug.

"Please tell us, how did you both escape, what happened exactly ?" Aarav said.

I nodded.

Now, no turning back.

"When you all went mall that day, I sat with Ari as she was ill. Suddenly, 2 men broke into the window and came towards us. I was scared so I screamed Grandma and Mary for help. Mary came towards us running. She tried to help us, but that one man stab her in her shoulder. While other started picking Ari up. I don't know what to do so I picked lamp and hit that man who picked Ari up. He cried in pain, but didn't leave Ari. She woke up till then and also cried when she saw Mary with blood. They both were going out but I hold Ari's hand tightly. She also hold my hand tightly. They both get frustrated and then I feel needle on my neck and darkness came over my eyes" I said to them.

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