Chapter 32... Captured

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//sorry about no chapters the last couple days. I'm exhausted. And I've been working a lot and I have some medical issues going on that, obviously, come first. I hope you're all enjoying, and have a great day, night, morning- whatever the hell it is for ya haha.//

My eyes slowly open, and I glance around. I don't see many familiar faces. I'm in some sort of.. cart?

I pull at my arms, but chains wrap around them.

"What the fuck..." I mutter.

"There's no use.. we're stuck." A voice says beside me. I glance over.

"Minho! Oh my- are you okay?" I ask, leaning into him a little.

"I- yeah.. are you? They took you away. You were under medical surveillance for a while." He says.

I glance down at my leg, sighing, "I hope so.."

Staring at it, I can tell something is different. I lift the leg of my pants, and stare.


What the duck happened to my leg.

Instead of a normal leg, I'm left with a prosthetic leg. Black, and red highlights. "Property of W.C.K.D" is written numerous times over it.

I groan quietly, and Minho looks at it, frowning.

I jump as I hear footsteps and gunfire outside of our train car. Newt and I glance at eachother.

The door behind us slams open, and a soldier walks in. He grabs ahold of Minho, escorting him away.

The door shuts, and locks. I frown.

I feel something slam against the side of the car, and I jump. All of a sudden, gravity leaves my body.

Everyone screams as we are swung around. I slam my head into the metal walls, and I can feel the wetness. A gash. How fun.


Light peeks through holes left by a metal cutting saw. The door busts open, and in comes several people, along with Newt, and Thomas.

They stop at Sonya and Aris, making sure they're okay, and breaking them free of their restraints.

Newt looks around, before quickly bolting to my side.

"Y/n! Oh my god, are you okay?" He asks, staring at me.

I gently nod, "I- yeah.. Before you ask, I accidentally got slammed into the wall." I chuckle lightly.

He cuts the chains off my hands, and hugs me. I hug him back.

"Y/n.. hey." Thomas greets, waving at me. I nod my head at him.

Newt glances around, and then at Thomas, "He's not here?"

"No.. he's not. Y/n, what happened to Minho?" Thomas asks.

I stand, stretching my three limbs, and my prosthetic.

"They took him before you guys could get to us. I think they wanted to grab me too but- there was no time." I shrug. They both nod.

"Where exactly are we..?" I ask quietly, stepping out of the train car. I stare at a beach, and a large ship in the water, astonished.

"Holy shit..." I mutter.

"This is our current hideout. Vince is planning on taking everyone to a.. safe haven, on some island, that's well.. safe." Thomas says, staring at the vessel.


"Yep. Now come on, there's someone who wants to see you." Thomas says, offering me his hand. I chuckle a little, taking it.

Maybe all that time with Wicked was getting to me.

He leads me away, to some warehouse building. Inside, I see Jorge, Brenda, Vince, Frypan, and a few others chatting back and forth.

"Hey guys, I see you got back before us." Thomas says.

Everyone turns and looks. I grin, looking at Brenda.

"Oh my god, Y/n!" She yells, bolting to me and pulling me into a hug.

I giggle, wrapping my arms around her waist. She places her lips on mine in a rush, and I smile, kissing her back.

She pulls away, "Holy.. I am so happy you're here.. oh my god.. what did they do to you.."

"This?" I point to the gash on my head, "That's my own fault. I hit my head on the wall, but this.." I pull my pants leg up, "This is them. All them." I sigh.

Everyone looks down, "They cut your leg off?" Jorge asks.

I nod, "I don't remember it. In fact, I don't remember any of my time there. Minho said I was out of it the entire time, in and out of the medical lab."

Newt walks back in the room, glancing at my leg with a frown, "We'll get them for that. We'll take them down if that's what it takes..."

I give him a quick side hug.

I'm free. With my girlfriend. My best friends. My fatherly figure. Our leaders. Our friends. And an army standing by our side.

We have one more person to get back. And then, Wicked is done for.

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