Chapter 11... Treehouse

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"Alright, easy now.." Newt mumbles, as he helps me over to the couch.

I slowly sit down, wincing as I put pressure on the wrong leg.

"I don't know why you didn't just wait a few more days, it really wouldn't have hurt anything." Newt says, crossing his arms as he plops down beside me.

"I was sick of being stuck in there, and you know me.. stubborn and all." I smile at him. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Yeah yeah. Are you sure you wanna stay in here, alone?" He asks.

I look around, "I mean it's cozy. I like it, I can see everything from here without being bothered by hormonal boys all the time."

He chuckles, "Yeah... I guess. But what if you have nightmares again? Or if something happens?" He asks.

I rest a hand on his shoulder, "I'll be okay Newt, I promise."

It'd been a few weeks since the cure had worked on me. The doors were back to their regular schedule. And everything was almost back to normal. The runners still ran the maze, and everyone did their fair share of work.

Alby still refuses to let me work again, because he's afraid I'll reopen a wound. But at least he let me back up in my treehouse.


Newt was off with Thomas in the fields, playing tag with Chuck. I laugh quietly as I watch them from the deck.

The sun is slowly setting, which means soon someone will bring me food.

There's a knock on the hatch.

"Come in!" I yell, limping to the door of the deck.

The hatch flies open, and Teresa's head pops up.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind.." She mumbles.

I shrug, "Come on in."

She climbs in, closing the hatch. I lean against the doorframe, as to not put much weight on my leg.

"What's up?" I ask. She walks to the couch sitting down.

"I uh, just need to get away from everyone for a bit.. some id the boys were giving me the look- just- ugh, gross." She scoffs, rolling her eyes and shaking her head in disgust.

I laugh a little, "Boys, am I right. They're just being hormonal teenagers, don't worry. I doubt any of them would try to do something against your wishes." I shrug.

"I don't know, Y/n. I'm surprised no one has come up here bothering you." She laughs a little.

"Honestly, I think they're either afraid or angry at me." I shrug. She raises her eyebrows.

"I tried killing the only other girl here." I say bluntly.

She nods, "Yeah.. that makes sense."

We sit in silence for a moment, before I speak up again.

"Y'know, if you want.. you can stay here for a couple nights. It's the least I can do for.. you know.. trying to kill you and all.." I mumble.

She looks at me, gently nodding her head, "I.. yeah sure. It'd be nice to get away from the boys for a little while.." She laughs a bit. I nod.


I limp over to the couch, and sit down. We both chat away for hours.


"Y/n!!" A voice yells, shaking me awake.

I sit up quickly in a cold sweat, breathing heavily.

"Huh, what?" I mutter, as I come to my senses.

"You were screaming.. again..." She whispers, crouching down in front of me.

"Oh..." I whisper back.

"This is the third night I've had to wake you up from your sleep.. are you okay?" She asks me. I nod my head.

"Yeah.. I'm, I'm fine, I promise." I mumble, wiping sweat off my forehead.

She frowns at me, "Y/n... I know you aren't. Normal people don't just wake up screaming every night..."

I avoid her gaze, bringing my knees to my chest beneath the blanket I lay under.

"You're having more nightmares, aren't you?" She asks, sitting down beside my on the couch, a concerned expression on her face.

"Yeah.." I mumble.

I pause for a moment, "...But they aren't just nightmares.. they're- memories.. but they aren't good.."

I sigh, glancing at her, "Everytime.. I'm in this- this facility.. running from someone. But they get me... and they ask for someone- a- a girl. And I don't know why... I don't know who she is- I don't understand..."

She looks at me, resting a hand on my leg, "We'll figure it out, Y/n."

"But that's not it... the first memory I had, it wasn't a nightmare.. this girl and I- we snuck off.. I think out of a bunk room... and she brought me to this like.. Much smaller mock up room of what the Glade looks like-" I pause, unsure whether to go in.

Teresa watches me, nodding for me to go on.

"She pulled me in and we ran into the forest- and up into a treehouse, exactly like this one-" I say.

"Wow.. what happened next?" She asks.

"I.." I go silent.

"I think.. I think she kissed me. But.. I'm not sure.. I woke up before I found out.." I mumble.

Teresa didn't say anything. I glance at her, wondering what she thought about it. Her gaze shifts for a moment.

"Did you just.. unintentionally come out to me?" She asks.

I go to speak but I pause, unsure. I laugh a little.

"I think I did? I mean- I don't know. You're the only girl I know and the only thing I really know is I tried killing you, so.."

She laughs a little.

"Yeahhh. Hey I mean, honestly who cares. Whatever happens, happens, right?" She asks.

I nod, yawning.

"Alright, well, Ill let you get back to sleep." She hums, standing up.

She walks over to the hammock.

"Hey.." I mumble.

"Hm?" She hums, looking back at me.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"Anytime, Y/n.."

With that, I fall back to sleep.

Mistakes Were Made || Teresa Agnes x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now