Chapter 13... The Fog

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"Shhh, come on!" I whisper yell, ushering my friends into the woods.

Thomas and Newt bolt off in the other direction, into the fog that hides the rest of the Glade from us.

"Ready or not, here I come!" A young boys voice echoes out.

"Shit, hurry!" I whisper, as Teresa and I race further into the woods. We stop behind a line of thick trees, out of breath.

"Thomas! Y/n! Newt! Teresa! Where are youuu!" Chuck yells in a sing-song voice.

I peek around the trees, staring down the path.

"He's close..." I whisper quietly. Teresa peeks her head around too.

I spot Chuck and his curly hair dashing down the path, and quickly, without thinking, I dart back behind the trees, pulling Teresa with me.

It was a small area. A few very thick trees against the path, and on the other side, a big bush. We stand pressed against each other between the trees and bushes.

Chuck whistles quietly as he skips by.

"Uhm.." Teresa whispers, referring to how close we are. I can feel her breath on my face.

I avoid her gaze, moving my hands off her, mumbling a sorry.

She moves to my side, out of view but not up against me anymore. Thank god.

"Boo!" The boy yells, peeking around the trees. We both jump, and yell.

He laughs, "I found you guys! Now come on, help me find Thomas and Newt!"

I nervously laugh, nodding.

Teresa steps out as Chuck runs off. She goes to follow, glancing back.

"You coming?" She asks.

I nod, and she follows Chuck. I quickly follow.

We run around the forest, although both Teresa and I know the boys aren't there. Chuck takes us outside the forest, over to camp.

We look around. Chuck spots Thomas's arm peeking around a tree, and runs over.

"I found you!" The boy yells. Thomas sighs, stepping out, a pout on his face.

"Where's Newt?" Chuck asks.

Newt steps out behind Thomas, and Chuck nods.

"Oh, pff. I did it! I won!" He yells happily. The rest of us laugh, clapping him on the back.

"Alright, come on. Let's get dinner, I can smell it.. smells really good." I hum, skipping off to Frypans kitchen.

He made stew, with garlic bread. I grin as I take a plate, walking over to a table.

"Move it, boys." I wave my hand for them to scoot down the table, to give my friends and I some room.

I plop down, and Thomas sits beside me. Newt sits across from him, and Teresa across from me.

"Where's Chuck?" I ask, glancing around.

Thomas shrugs, and Newt speaks up, "He said he wasn't hungry, that he was just tired."

"Oh, huh. Alright." I shrug, taking a bite of my bread.

//this is making me hungry lmao .-. //

//okay I took a break and I ate some delicious chicken Alfredo :D//

The four of us chat away about what's new in the Glade, why we think we're here, what we think is outside the maze, etc.. for hours.


"No, no, okay. What about.. what if they're protecting us from the outside? But the Greivers backfired and attack everyone." Newt says.

"Yeah, okay... but what happened to the rest of the girls then?" Thomas asks.

Teresa shifts uncomfortably in her seat, "Maybe they wanted to send only a few up, to see how the boys would react? Y'know, hormones and all.."

"Mmm.. maybe. Y/n, what are your thoughts?" Newt asks, turning his attention to me. The others look over.

"..Y/n? You there?"

Fingers snap in my face. I look up, "Huh?"

Newt looks at me, concerned, "You alright? You were out of it."

"Oh uhm..." I pause, before nodding, "Yeah, I'm fine.. I was just.. thinking. Look uhm, I'm tired.. I'll see you guys in the morning.."

I swing my legs over the bench, standing. As I go to walk away, I feel someone grab my wrist. I look down.

Teresa looks at me, "You sure you're alright?"

I nod, and she lets go of my wrist. I quickly shuffle away, heading back to the treehouse.

I clench my fists, flashbacks resurfacing in my head.

"If she keeps on making noise, she'll get us all killed."

"It's all your fault.."


Newt's unconscious body slides down the wall.

I quicken my pace as I walk faster towards the woods, passing the garden.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you for it, too!"

Teresa's body falls to the ground as she's tackled by me, in a fit of infection-laced rage.


"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" She screams back, her face flipping through a range of emotions. Confusion. Anger. Sadness. Pain.

Her fists pinned beneath my knees, I reach for her machete.

Tears begin to roll down my face. I wipe them off, sniffling. I pass by the first few trees of the densely wooded forest.

I go to slice her neck, but with one hand she stops me. I push harder, but she pushes back.

"You said you'd slice my throat open, but guess what now, bitch."

The machete gets closer and closer to her neck. So close...

She frees her other hand, pushing the machete away from herself. My hand slips, and she gets control of it.

The pains too much as the machete goes straight into my lower stomach. I scream out in pain as the girl pushes me off her.

By this point I'd stopped walking, falling back into a tree. I slip down it, hugging my knees to my chest.

My chest rises and falls rapidly, as I mutter the same words over and over.

"No.. no, no, no..."

I hear fast-paced footsteps rushing towards me.

"Y/n!- Y/n, there you ar-" The posh accent cuts himself off. He rushes towards me, kneeling down beside me.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? What's the matter?" Newt asks.

I don't even look at him- I can't.

"I... I can't make it stop... Newt, I can't stop it.. I..." I ramble on uncontrollably.

He pulls me into a warm, tight embrace.

"It's okay, Y/n... shhh.. you're okay, you're here.. you're safe..." He whispers.

I gently nod my head, slowly calming down. I dig my head into his shoulder, staining his shirt with tears.

We stay like this for a while, quietly. Just sitting in each others company.

Eventually, I begin to fade out of consciousness, the exhaustion overwhelming.

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