Chapter 9... Invasion

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The darkness had fallen over the Glade, an unsettling feeling rising within everyone. The doors never shut.

Apparently Thomas found some... piece of beeping metal inside one of the Grievers, and it led to what could be an escape from this hellhole.

But I was still trapped in this stupid cell. I limp over to the gate, peaking around.

"Hello? Guys?!" I yell. But nobody comes.

I know I upset Newt the other day. He hasn't visited. He's passed by... maybe he wanted to, he just couldn't bring himself to.

Teresa had stopped by to aggravate me daily. I don't know what her problem is. She doesn't know how to take a hint.

Alby and Thomas visit though. They'll sit outside the gate and try to talk with me. The infection is worse, slowly spreading up my leg. I'm easily irritated.

I sigh, slumping back to the back of the cell, sitting down on my cot.

I hear yelling outside the cell. Suddenly, Gally, Thomas and Alby appear outside of my cell.

"Come on, something is happening, and the medjacks need to take a look at you." Alby explains. They open the door to the cell, and Gally grabs ahold of me from one side, Thomas the other. They help me out of the cell, and into fresh air. I look around.

"Something doesn't feel right..." I mutter. I look around, but everything is normal... except the doors.

"We know, now come on." Gally aggressively drags me towards the medical hut. Thomas is forced to let me go as Gally slams me against the cot, tying restraints around my ankles and wrists, not trusting me whatsoever.

I grimace, glaring at him. "Fucking hell Gally.. you seriously don't have to slam me around.. fuck you man.." I mutter.

He rolls his eyes, stepping away as a medjack comes to take a look at me.

Thomas gives me an apologetic look. I nod at him. He walks over, taking ahold of my hand with his, as the medjack poked and prods at my leg. I inhale sharply.

"Sorry.." the man mumbles.

Alby looks at the man, "Is it getting any better?" He asks. The man shakes his head.

"No. Our herbs aren't working on her.. I'm not really sure what to do. She's not lashing out at least... but even if she was, we can't just banish her. The doors aren't shut..." He mumbles.

A scream echoes outside the wooden hut. The four of them quickly turn, before bolting out the hut, leaving my restrained and alone.

More screams erupt, and I can hear the familiar sound of mechanics, goo, and hissing from the Greivers.

"NEWT!! TERESA!" I hear Thomas scream, and I hear his footsteps leave. Panic erupts all around, but nobody comes back for me. I yell for help, but still, no-one.

I can hear fires, and the Greivers all around the building. I manage to flip the cot over, breaking one of my hands free. I free the other, and then both my limbs.

//Okay now that I can properly think, I'm not sure I'll have the crew leave just yet. Maybe this isn't the final attack of the Greivers, but I have a lot of other plans before they all just leave.//

I limp to the door, glancing around. I see several large mechanical creatures roaming around, prodding at my screaming friends. I can see some of them hiding. I quickly bolt for the forest, running as fast as I possibly can with my injury.

As soon as I make it in, I don't even look around. I run deeper and deeper, dodging some of the creatures that hunt in the forest, and make it to my ladder. Frantically I climb up, slamming the hatch shut behind me.

I place several heavy objects on top of it, and then finally take a look around.

I spot two people. Newt, and Teresa.

"Y/n- you're okay!" Newt whisper-yells, quickly embracing me in a hug. But it's like I didn't even notice him- like I lost control of myself.

My gaze stays locked on Teresa.

"How'd you even escape?" Newt asks, taking a step back to look at me.

I snap out of it, looking at him, "Uhm, I.. I managed to flip the cot.. which broke one hand free..." I mutter. He nods.

"I'm glad you're safe.." He whispers.

I scoff, "Really? Cause it didn't seem you gave a shit, you just left me there, Newt. In the cell. In the hut."

"Newt.." Teresa mumbles behind him, slowly standing. I eye her, spotting the machete in her hand.

"Oh what, Teresa? You gonna flail that thing around in my face again?" I laugh, "Gonna tie me up again? Oh no, what will I ever do."

"Y/n, come on.. that's the infection talking.." The blonde boy mutters, trying to snap me out of it.

I stay silent, staring at her. She tenses up beneath my gaze. Newt grabs ahold of my arm as I go to run at Teresa, pulling me into his body.

I struggle in his grip, fighting to be free, but he's much stronger than I am.

He kicks my injured leg, covering my mouth as I yell. I fall to my knees in pain, and he releases his grip on me.

"If she keeps on making noise she'll get us all killed.." Teresa mutters. I slowly look up at her, "It's all your fault.." I mumble.

I jump to my feet, turning and dodging out of Newts grasp. I slam him back into a wall. He falls down, unconscious.

I turn to look at Teresa, "I'm gonna fucking kill you for it, too!" I yell, as I charge towards her.

I tackle her to the floor, and we both wrestle to be on top. I manage to pin her arms down underneath my knees.


"What are you talking about!" She screams back at me.

I don't answer, simply reaching for the machete she dropped when I tackled her.

She manages to break one of her hands free as I go to stab her neck, stopping me.

"Y/n, come on! Snap out of it!" She yells.

I push down on the machete, slowly getting closer to her throat, "You said you'd slit my throat open... but guess what now bitch.." I mumble.

Her other hand gets free, and she shoves the machete away from herself, towards me. I lose my handle on it, and she pushes it into my stomach.

I scream out in pain as she flips me off of her, the machete still in me.

It seems to be the final scream of the night, because the rest of the camp is silent, other than a few cries, and the sound of burning flames.

Somebody begins to pound on the hatch door, "It's Thomas, let me in!"

Teresa stares at me, and then a slowly awakening Newt, before quickly shoving the heavy objects off the hatch. It swings open, and Thomas climbs in, stopping to stare at me.

"Oh my- how the hell did this happen?!" He yells, darting to my side.

Tears stain my face as I whisper incoherent words.

"She.. knocked him unconscious... and attacked me.." Teresa mutters, "She tried to slice my neck open.. but.. I got ahold of it.. it was the only way to get her off of me, I swear.."

Thomas looks at Teresa, "It's okay.." He mumbles.

Newt crawls over to me, ripping a large portion of his shirt off. Thomas takes the machete out, and they wrap the wound the best they can.

They carry me out of the treehouse, as everything fades away, into darkness...

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