Chapter 4... The Box

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"You know, seriously, I'm gonna have to talk to Abby about that treehouse. I could use it as a place to stay away from all the boys.. y'know, privacy?" I hum as we walk back towards the camp.

"Seriously? What's wrong with us!" Thomas blurts out. I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"Nothings wrong, with you two anyway. But I see how everyone looks at me. It'd be nice to feel a bit more comfortable when I sleep." I shrug. Newt nods understandingly, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I smile.

Suddenly, an alarm across the field begins to ring out. We all stop and stare.

"What the hell is that..?" I ask, looking around.

"It's the.. box? What the hell?" Newt stares confused, before quickly rushing off towards the box. Thomas and I face after him. The sun barely had come up by now. I thought the box only came once a month?

A few others rush out of the camp and come barreling towards us. The box comes to a halt and the sirens stop.

Thomas and Newt open the doors, and Newt jumps down.

"It's another girl.." He says, "a note..."

He picks it up, reading it aloud, "It's the last one... ever."

"The hell does that mean?" Thomas asks. Newt looks up at Thomas, shaking his head. "I don't know."

"I think she's.. dead." Newt mutters, as he sits crouched beside her.

All of a sudden, the girl gasps, sitting up. Everyone jumps back a bit, including Newt.

"Y/n!.." She gasps again, her eyes unfocusing as she falls back again, going unconscious.

I stare at her, before looking up. All eyes are on me.

"What the hell.." I mutter. Something about this girl is familiar. I shrug the feeling off.


"Y/n, come on, take your mind off her. She's unconscious with the medjacks." Newt says, resting a hand on my shoulder.

I sigh, "I know, I know... I just.. how does she know me? Why did she just.. blurt me name out, out of no where."

I hit my head back against the tree I'm sitting against, thoughts racing through my mind.

Newt plops down in front of me, taking both my hands in his.

"It'll be okay, Y/n. We'll figure it out when she wakes up, okay?" He asks, massaging my hands gently. I nod, slowly, sighing.

"I have a bad feeling.." I mumble.

All of a sudden, Thomas appears around the corner, "Hey guys-"

He looks at us, raising an eyebrow. Newt drops my hands, and I just shake my head, "Just- ... what's up?"

"Uhm-" Thomas clears his throat, "We've got a bit of a.. situation.."

I stand up, offering Newt a hand. He takes it and I pull him up. We quickly follow Thomas to the watch tower, where a bunch of boys are crowded beneath it, holding items over their heads. I watch as a tomato and several rocks are tossed off it at the boys.

"What the hell?" I yell. I hear Chuck yell "Girls are awesome!"

"That girl is up there?" I ask Thomas. He nods.

"Hey! Stop! We just want to talk!" Thomas yells. More rocks are thrown and he ducks down. I watch Gally get clipped by one of them.
He definitely deserved that.

I look up at the tower, "Hey! It's me, Y/n! We just want to talk!" I yell up. The falling objects cease. The girls head pops over the edge, before disappearing.

"I'm gonna come up, alright?" I call out.

I look at the boys, "Just me." I mutter. Gally looks like he wanted to interject, but didn't.

I begin climbing the stairs up the tower, "Alright, I'm coming up.."

I open the hatch, popping my top half up, only to be met with a blade pointed towards me.

"Woah- woah woah, alright.. uhm.." I gulp, putting my hands up by my head innocently.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise.. please just, put the machete down.." I mumble. The girl doesn't move it, if anything it got closer.

"Why can't I remember anything? Who am I? Where are we?" She begins to spit questions out at me.

"Hey hey-" I slowly crawl onto the platform. She keeps the machete pointed at me. If I got any closer she could slice my neck open.

"Look- we don't know.. but this has happened to all of us before, okay?" She doesn't say anything.

"We've all woken up here.. not remembering anything, confused and scared.. it's okay. You'll remember your name soon.. it takes most a few days.." I mutter.

"Teresa." She mumbles.

"What?" I ask, squinting in confusion.

"My name.. it's Teresa." The blade lowers a bit.

"Oh.. Mines Y/n.. but I suppose you already knew that?" I ask.

The blade lifts again, this time the very tip of it grazing against my neck.

"Who are you? Why are you the only thing I can remember?" She asks, demanding an answer.

"I... I don't know, okay? I woke up here just like you.. the only thing I remember is my name.."

She seems to believe me.

"I'm gonna take this, okay?" I mumble, as I slowly raise on hand. I carefully grab the blade of the machete, gently pulling it from her grasp.

"Okay, then.." I mumble. She asks a few more questions, and I manage to coax her into coming down with me. She almost hides behind me as we reach the ground, where the crowd of boys await. I hand the machete over to Newt, who eyes the new girl.

"Alright, alright. Everyone get back to work. Now!" Ally's loud voice demands. The boys head off, except for Alby, Newt, and Thomas.

Alby takes Teresa, and shows her around. I stand awkwardly left with Thomas and Newt.

"What?" I ask, looking at them. They shake their heads.

"God you boys are annoying.." I mutter, pushing past the two. I head off to the garden to begin working. Someone's gotta do something around here.

Mistakes Were Made || Teresa Agnes x Fem!ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora