Chapter 8... The Slammer

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It was pitiful being carried, almost hogtied, into the small cell. Gally tossed me into the cell, receiving several yells from Newt, Alby and Thomas. Teresa stands in the back watching.

Newt hops into the cell, quickly untying me, and then exiting.

"Guys, please.. don't do this, I'm begging you.." I plead, slowly standing from the floor after ripping the rag from my mouth. Tears stain my face.

I rest my hands on the bamboo door, staring up at everyone.

"I'm sorry.. it's just temporary Y/n.." Newt mu mumbles. He frowns, unsure if he believes it himself. He walks off, Thomas taking a final look at me before going to comfort his friend.

Alby sighs, "You should've told us sooner.. I'm sorry Y/n. We'll do our best though.."

He walks off into the darkness. Gally follows him. All that's left is Teresa.

I glare at her, "Fuck you." I spit.

"What's your goal here, huh?" I snap, staring up at her through the bars, "You trying to get into their pants or something? You think putting me in here is gonna help you with that?"

She looks taken aback by my words, "What the hell? No! I'm not interested in any of them like that. I'm trying to keep them safe, and figure out why you hate me so much. Now I'm just teaching you a lesson." She crosses her arms, turning to walk away.

"What lesson?" I ask.

She glances back, "Not to fuck with me."

And with that she walks away into the distance.

I stumble backwards into the cell, nearly tripping, but I catch myself. I lay down on the small cot that's in the room.

I stare at the ceiling, feeling wet tears begin to roll down my face.

I'm not sure when it happened, but eventually I must've closed my eyes, and fallen asleep...


"Where is she, Y/n?" The man asks, sitting on a metal table in front of me. Several soldiers stand around with their guns in hand, ready to shoot if I tried to run.

"I don't know." I mutter, refusing to look up.

The man sighs quietly, thinking to himself.

"Y/n, honey, I really don't want to hurt you." He hums, "But we need to know where she went. She could.. she could get seriously hurt out there, all alone..." The man says.

I glance up, "You mean by you and your men? Or by those creatures that you created..." I glare at him.

He goes silent, before slamming his hands on the table. I flinch.

"Y/n, I don't want to have to hurt you. But you're playing it the hard way, which means I'm going to be forced to." He snaps.

He walks over to me, crouching down in front of me, "You have one last chance. Where. Did. She. Go?"

I sit silently, before spitting in his face. "Fuck. You." I respond.

He stands, wiping his face off. He grabs some sort of remote from his belt.

"Alright, play it this way then."

He presses a button on the remote, and I lunge forward in my seat, falling to the floor. The familiar electric pain traveling through my whole body. I yell in pain, and it stops.

"Where is she?!!" The man yells.

"I don't.. I... I'm not telling you.." I utter out.

The shock waves over my body again, and again... and again.. over and over, the electricity only more powerful each time.

It was only when somebody entered the room that it all stopped.

"Janson, really? Torturing her? We have other methods of getting information out of these teenagers.." A woman's voice says.

I fall forward onto the floor, breathing heavily. I try to push myself up but I can't. It hurt too much.

"We both know those methods won't work on her.. she's too strong for that." The man, 'Janson', responds.

"Let her go back to her friends. Ter-"

The man smirks, pressing a button on the device. I scream out in pain once more, the voices around me too quiet to hear.


"Y/N!! Wake up!" Somebody shakes me awake.

I'm beginning to get dejavu...

I stare over at Newt, breathing heavily, covered in sweat and tears once more.

"Another nightmare..?" He asks quietly. I stare at him wide-eyed, before nodding, slowly.

"Was it the greivers again?" He asks.

I shake my head, "No uhm.. it was.. uhm.. Nevermind.. I'm not comfortable talking about it.." I mutter.

"Y/n, you have to talk to someone about it... I'm worried about you.." He frowns, resting a hand on my leg.

"Newt I'm fine.. there's more pressing.. matters.. to worry about than my reoccurring nightmares..." I sigh, laying back onto the cot.

"But they aren't just nightmares, are they?" Somebody said from outside the bamboo bars. I lift my head, to see Teresa.

"Excuse me?" I ask. She opens the bars, cautiously entering. She closes them behind her.

I sigh, staring up at the ceiling.

"They're not just nightmares. They're dreams.. they're memories... painful memories, flooding back to you everytime you close your eyes, right?" She asks, sitting down on the far edge of the cot.

"I'm not discussing this with you, Teresa. Last time we spoke you put a machete to my throat and then tied me up." I glare at her.

She shakes her head, "Actually, last time we spoke, you said 'Fuck you' over and over until I left." She corrects.

I sit up, looking at her.

"Are you trying to piss me off? I mean, seriously. You wanted me in a cell so bad and now you just can't stay away. What the hell is up with you." I snap.

Newt stares at me, slowly interlacing his hand in mine. I glance at him, pulling mine away. He frowns.

"I'm fine, Newt. If you guys wouldn't mind I'd like to try to get some sleep.." I mumble. They exchange glances, but shuffle out of the cell.

I lay back down, closing my eyes. Maybe I can sleep without remembering something.


//I've written all of these chapters in the last 24 hours. I think I might be sick :/. Slept all day after work. Stayed up til 6am reading this awesome Sonya x reader (she's one of the Gladers from another maze- the one Aris came from) and holy shit it was good. Definitely gonna write another one, but that one will be in my suggestions ASAP. I definitely recommend it. It's really good and leaves you wishing for more. Proper ending too. I love it so much.//

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