Chapter 19

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"These overflowing words are getting tangled, is it okay if I can't say just one word?"

Haseru Mirai; Fruits Basket (S2)

Kiran likes to talk about philosophy.

-"How can the society expect to not discriminate others when they respect a person concerning their position, rather than their personality?"

She likes to dominate a situation too.

-"Your Honor, I'd like to ask the prosecution, how they came to such an absurd conclusion."

She doesn't like it when someone looks down upon someone lower than them.


She doesn't hesitate to speak up for others or herself.

-"I am strong and beautiful and you can fuck yourself if you don't think so."


"I am very excited to meet her." Adhvaith squealed while looking at his reflection for the millionth time.

"Will you stop? You are making me cringe." I say with partial honesty.

"Whatever man! I am so excited to meet the woman who wrapped you around her fingertips."

"Oh please! I'm not wrapped around her fingertips." I complain.

"When are we going there?" He asked, completely ignoring my plea.

This is going to be a long day... Can't wait...


Kiran likes meeting new people too.

"Oh my God! That trip was the worst!" She exclaimed setting all three of us into hysterical laughter. While they both shared bits and pieces of their hilariously disastrous trips, I kept listening and looking at their interactions.

Kiran seemed a lot more relaxed than before. I won't say she panicked but she was anxious. I wonder what made her that way...

Adhvaith slowly started to bring out his goofy side, making her teary-eyed with laughter. Adhvaith has always been good at flirting. And Kiran is good at dodging those. But something was nagging me. Pulling and twisting my guts making me uneasy.

She felt so distant... As if she's being taken away from me.

I have been jealous before. But this was something different. The fact that he could talk more easily than me was not-

"Kiran, you said you had to do some shopping, right?" I mumbled, "it's 2:30 almost."

"Oh. Yeah. Uh... I-"

"Oh, shopping! Where are you going? Shall I tag along too?" Adhvaith intruded.


"She's going for lingerie shopping." I assert over him while claiming her shoulder.

"Uh, what-" I cut her off with eye contact.

"Y-yeah... I... Have... I'm going out." She left the cafe where we came together.

"So, you are taking her to the lingerie shopping?" He scoffed.

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