Chapter 17

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"Kiran?" I say with a lot of relief and panic settling in the pit of my stomach.

"Sir! How are you? Did your fever subside? Did you eat anything? Are you okay?" I am pretty sure she might have flooded even more questions if I were standing in front of her.

"Uh... Yeah. Well for starters, those are too many questions, I believe... Heh..." I say while scratching an itch on my face with a finger.

"Oh! Sorry. I was just thinking about you and you called. So I couldn't stop myself." Said the device I held near to my ears, making me feel a sense of voidness. Making me think of her presence in here, right now. I wanted her real voice to ring in my ears but not some machine voice. I want to see her talking rather than just hear.

I just...

"Where are you now?" I inquire.

"I'm at the Registrar's Office with Vivek." She said.

"What? Why?"

"The defense claimed yesterday that the properties under his name were legally bought and registered by him. And now we are searching for those folders in the archives- Did you find anything?" She elucidated simultaneously talking to my subordinate.

"You should've asked me instead. I would have come along with you." I almost whined and controlled it as much as possible.

"Oh, hell no young man! I'm much happier if you are resting enough. Please take some medicines and sleep. I got this!" She reassured me.

"How is your head?" I ask while rubbing my temples.

"My head ah?" She questions, I can visualize her scrunching up her nose, making an adorable face.

"Yeah. Your head only!" I cackled.

"My head is totally fine." She confirmed and we both waited on the other ends of our call, waiting for each other to say something. At least me. I didn't want to end the conversation.


"Will you come back?" I implore breathlessly.


"Please come back after you are done." I wished.

"Sure," she replied, breathlessly "I will come back to you." She promised.


A knock rasped on the hardwood of my door, startling me out of my daze and answer the person behind it. I am pretty sure that it will be Kiran. Which makes it a whole lot worse.

I must be looking like a loser to her.

I adjust my hair, in an attempt to look less like a messed-up person with a drinking problem.

I muster up my courage and finally open the door, finding a patiently waiting Kiran, who beamed at me "Hey..." She greeted me.

"Hi..." I whispered while letting her in. Her long straight hair was left open for some reason, which brushed my face, giving a faint whiff of her fruity shampoo. She looked quite different today. The baby hairs that she couldn't keep behind her ear, fell gracefully on her mauled face.

"You... Let your hair down?" I asked while closing the door and following her into the kitchen.

"Uh... Yeah," she patted herself on the head "I was in a rush." She reasoned and boiled some water to make some tea. "Do you want some?"

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