Chapter 16

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I was still asleep when dad tried to wake me up in the middle of the night. Earlier, I and my parents fought among ourselves when my class teacher complained to them about me beating up my classmate.

"Chinna, wake up..." He whispered only to me, careful enough to not wake up Likitha. I was groggy and couldn't understand who was trying to wake me up.

"Dad? Is that you?" I asked.

"Yes. Let's go somewhere." He suggested while helping me stand up and sober up. "But, where?"

"You'll see."


He took me to a small, nearby lake that was still under modulation by the monumental authorities. We bought ourselves an ice cream and dad took me to a secluded place. A place, not many know about.

"Why are we here?" I ask as I unwrapped my cone, "We can get scolded by mom." I say while licking it.

"You were not in your high spirits when you slammed the door shut." He said with the same calmness he always carried with him, giving me a sense of comfort to open up.

Dad has always got my back. He never betrays me unless mom is involved in our fights. That is why I was mad at him when he didn't take my side when I and mom were arguing.

"I wouldn't have been if you took my side instead of mom. She always makes our house into an army playground." I grumbled while enjoying my ice cream.

"Look at you, big man! Complaining about your Amma like that!" He shuffled my hair making me glare at him and then styling it back.

"Acha, tell me one thing. Why did you even start that fight in the first place?" He asked while relishing his grape-flavored ice stick.

"Where was this common sense before? As long as I remember you both cared only about "being a bad boy"." I reply coldly.

"Hey! What rey you! Trying to show attitude ah?" My father whined in his humorous Indian accent. It was ridiculous. But still made me smile.

"Please. Tell me. Why did you start the fight?"

"That Udhbhav is a really dirty boy, dad! He always calls you bad police. Today he was spreading rumors saying you were... You were... I am not able to tell the word, but the whole class gasped when he said." I sneered.

Dad was silent for a long time. He didn't say a word. We both sat in silence, which only made me wonder, did he do that bad thing?

I was petrified to ask him. As if! He's the best cop! He's my inspiration!

"Dad?..." I called out, getting him out of his thoughtful bubble.


I don't want to ask...

"Did you... Did you really do any bad thing?" I ask him casually, hoping for him to say something like—

"What? No. Of course not!"

But instead, he didn't answer. He said nothing. The last thing I remember him saying was—

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