Chapter 11

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"What is the point of this existence?"


"Life feels like a chore."

"Vijay Sir?"

"I feel like a liability."


I jolt as Sambayya gets me into my senses. Man! This is the second time!

"What happened, sir?" The elderly man asks as his features morphed into concern.

"Nothing," I reply dryly. Reaching for the glass of water, which I later realised was empty. I sigh with annoyance.

"It doesn't seem like nothing, sir. Is your mother okay?"

"She's perfectly alright, Sambayya. Please get me all the cases related to Ramabai. I want to make some notes." I dismiss him. Though he complies, he didn't seem pleased.

Ugh! Today is going to be a crappy day.


I reach my apartment with utmost debility. My mind was still revolving around that burnt beauty's words. I don't know how, but she definitely has some kind of effect on me.

So much for understanding her.

"I feel like a liability."


I need a drink.

And so I go for my favourite whiskey neat tumbler, pouring a large of golden brown liquid into the container. It should be nothing more than a peg. But... Her questions were too much to think about.

"Life feels like a chore."

I sigh as the alcohol leaves a satisfactory burn in my throat, as I feel it passing all the way from my mouth and food pipe.

There were days when I used to live only for the sake of my mother and sister.

My dad used to be with us. He was also a police officer. Like me. He used to be my hero. My inspiration. But when I learned the truth, I was devastated. I felt pathetic. Awful. I loathed myself for thinking so highly of him.

The day he died, I lost my goal. I lost my hope for tomorrow. The people who attended his funeral kept on saying one thing...

"Your family needs you, Beta." "Please stay strong for your family." "You must be better than him." "You are the only male person in your family. Please don't give up."

I was constantly reminded that people needed me. That... Even if I don't want, I should survive. For the sake of my mother. My sister.

I didn't have a choice.

"What is the purpose of this existence?"

I topple another large peg, making it 10th...? I don't remember the count. My head hung low over the backrest of the sofa, giving me an upside-down view of my open balcony.

City lights cast a low glint into my hallway, as I sat on my couch, in a room without lights, doing nothing but emptying my large rectangular bottle of whiskey.

The more I drank, the more I started to dig things up.

My NCC training. The asshole trainer.

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