CHAPTER THIRTY THREE: Secrets: Meant To Be Revealed.

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“Shut it!” Jake whisper yelled. He didn’t want Jack to hear him. Jack was his brother, but he was the brother who hadn’t seen Jake since birth. Jake always knew he had a brother, but he hadn’t ever seen him, even though he wanted to.

Jake hated his parents with a blazing passion. The last time he had talked to them was when he was fifteen. His parents were lovely, just Jake couldn’t see that. He thought what they had done was terrifyingly unacceptable. Therefore, he hated them.

But now, when he found Jack, that hatred only increased ten times more. Seeing Jack, his little eleven year old brother, with an unacceptable amount of scars, cuts bruises and scratches, just made his blood boil.

He never knew if Jack knew Jake was his brother, but Jake knew that if Jack knew, he wouldn’t be proud of him.

“Why?” Carl growled, “Have you seen his condition?” he sneered, Ella holding him back. Carl had always been sensitive about abused people. Over his teenage years, watching his sister, break down, cry, cut and be depressed had made him like that. He was undeniably and absolutely against any kind of abuse.

“He has fucking cuts all over him, his back? Fuck, I can’t even look at it! It’s so bad!” Carl hissed. Jake clenched his fists by his side. He didn’t know what did it, but he was losing it. Either the fact that he had left his brother to endure all of it or the face that he was being blamed by someone who didn’t even know where all of this was coming from.

Either way, he was pissed.

 “They’re whip marks, aren’t they?”

He cursed under his breath. He felt bad for Jack. Jack is his brother, his blood and flesh. But he just hadn’t thought that he would have to go through the same Jake had to.

“I told you to keep it flacking down!” Jake hissed, his fists still into a tight bony ball. He was determined to hit Carl right in the face for making him feel like this, but he knew it would hurt Ella. “How would you know if they are whip marks?” Jake hissed, unsure.

“You know when you watch your sister watching those kinds of movies,” Carl said, his eyes narrowed to slits.

Ella bit her lips, embarrassed. Ella had always had a fear of violence. She hated it, with the same kind of passion Jake hated his parents with. But watching those kinds of movies, gave her a kind of satisfaction that she wasn’t the only one being beat by her classmates and verbally abused. Yes, it was cruel to look at people getting beat, crying and cutting and having a feeling of satisfaction, but it was her guilty pleasure. Knowing that she wasn’t the only one was her very guilty pleasure that she was not proud of an ounce.

Leah just stood there curious, Kate was biting her lip, trying to make the tears formed blink away. Kate was a sensitive one, she couldn’t really bare to look at the scars on Jack’s body. She was terrified of them. The face that an eleven year old had gone through something even adults can’t bear, was terrifying for her. Shawn had his arm round her waist, comforting her.

“You must be afraid how disappointed Jack must be in his big brother huh?” Carl snickered, which just made Jake angrier, the vein was popping out of the side of his neck. He was at the stage of furiousness.

Shawn was holding Carl back by his arms, while Carl’s fists were clenched. “You must be a sorry ass of a big brother Jake,” Carl hissed. “Shut up Carl!” Shawn hissed in his ear, tightening his grip on him.

But that had already done it.

Jake’s fist went flying across Carl’s face, hitting his jaw, forming a bruise. Carl stumbled back, falling to the floor, Jake towering over him, his eyes blazing with anger. He was furious. “Don’t you dare,” he hissed, “Don’t you fucking dare.”

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