Chapter 27: Rosie

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Rosie woke up to blinding lights shining above her. For a second, she thought she was dead. But then, she heard voices. They were saying things like, "she woke up!" and "patient is conscious."

She tried to sit up, but a woman pushed her down again. "You need to stay down. We only have a few more... burns... to heal."

Rosie tried to talk, to say something sarcastic, but her throat was dry. The parts of her that were still hurting, like her legs and stomach, began to hurt less as a warm sensation spread through her body.

"Now you can sit up," said the same woman.

Rosie did as she was told, and was startled to see the council watching her.

"Rosalie Scott. It's time for you to leave," said Captain Chromium.

"Leave? Where?" she asked, testing her voice. It was scratchy and raw.


She sighs. Of course. She had been arrested. She had committed various crimes. There was nowhere else she could go.

She stood up and held out her hands. The Captain handcuffed her, and led her outside of the hospital. Two vans were waiting, each with the words Craggmore Penitentiary on the side. She was loaded into the second one. Her last sight of the council was of the Dread Warden closing the doors.

The van drove through the city. She was lost in thought. Lily had to be in the other van. If she hadn't attempted to escape yet, then this was it. They were done. They had caused as much damage as they could, and now they were paying for it.

She was unloaded at the docs, and on the ferry, she sat opposite her sister. She tried her hardest to make eye contact.

Their eyes met, and Lily said, "I love you."

Rosie's eyes filled with tears. "I love you too."

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