Chapter 1: Liliana

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Lily watched as another parade float went by. Today was the Renegade parade. Ugh. She hated the Renegades.

Lily's hate for the superheroes went back to 7 years ago. She and her sister, Rosalie, had been in their apartment one night, playing with dolls. Something broke in the basement. There was a gas leak. Their mother and father, along with their older sisters, Poppy and Aster had collapsed around them. Dead in a matter of seconds. Only Rosies power over fire had kept them alive. She had created a dome and lowered the temperature enough that it wasn't too uncomfortable. Hours later, they had escaped by running to the fire escape in their home.

Not knowing what to do next, they had wandered around the streets until a Renegade found them. Asked them what they were doing all alone at 1 in the morning.

Lily had told him. All the man had said was, "oh? Oops." And walked away.
He hadn't cared that the dozens of families that lived in their apartment were now dead. He hadn't cared that two children were wandering around the streets of Gatlon. In the middle of the night, no less.

Lily and Rosie had finally been found by an Anarchist. Cyanide. Or, as he introduced himself, Leroy Flynn. He hid them in the tunnels, far away from the rest of the villain gang. Said that he didn't want the others to know he had found two children. They already had a 10 year old Nightmare to deal with, he said with a wink. He would bring them supplies, every week.

Life had been decent for 6 years. The girls grew up. By the time Lily was 12, Leroy allowed her to go out in the city during the day, as long as Rosie came with her.

When Rosie turned 12, 2 years ago, she'd been allowed to go out alone too. But then the Anarchists were forced to leave their homes. Lily and her sister had left the tunnels on Cyanides orders. From there, the girls had returned to the ruins of their own apartment, hiding there. Every other day, they would visit Leroy at the house he shared with Nightmare, Queen Bee, and Phobia. He would give them food, and they would return home. Then the Second Battle for Gatlon happened. Their world was turned over again. Leroy, though not a Renegade, was no longer a wanted Anarchist. People believed that there would be peace. Forever. 'We were all heroes, in the end'. That's what people liked to say. Lily disagreed. After the Supernova, she had gained control over plants, and could summon them at will. She and Rosie had developed their own alter egos. They would be the new villains of Gatlon City.

Lily was Wildflower. Her costume was a black and green tank top, a jean jacket, black leggings, and tennis shoes. Her hair would be braided back, with vines twining with her hair. She wasn't wearing it now, of course. That would be stupid. Rosie, or Inferno, wore a red and orange muscle tee with the anarchist logo, black leggings, and tennis shoes. Her fiery red hair would be pulled back into a high ponytail.
The renegades would fear them. They wouldn't expect two girls, 14 and 17 to be a threat.

Cheering brought Lily back to reality. Rosie nudged her, scowling. A giant star came by, with three happy couples. The first was Narcissa Cronin and Danna Bell. Oscar Silva and Ruby Tucker were next. On the very top was Adrian Everhart and Nova Artino.
The six people were waving at the crowd, and Lily gulped when her eyes met Adrians. He stared at her for a second, eyes narrowed.

She wondered if she could see her hate for his family. For the Renegades.
Then Nova leaned over and whispered something to him. He tore his gaze from Lily and smiled. He kissed his girlfriend, and Lily exchanged a disgusted look with Rosie.

"We should go?" She murmured to her little sister.

Rosie nodded in agreement, and together the two sisters departed from the crowd, heading back home.

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