Chapter 13: Liliana

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They ran through the streets, trying to get as far as they could from their home before the renegades escaped the fire.

A deep, dark part of Lily hoped they died in the fire. The death of two family members would break Captain Chromium and the Dread Warden. They would be weak, in shock, grieving. And then, she could pull the Renegades down from their roots. A small smile appeared on her lips, despite the fact that she was sprinting as fast as she could.

    They ran three miles before Lily let them stop. Rosie sank against a wall and tried to catch her breath. Lily leaned against the bricks, her hands clutching her chest. Everything felt like it was on fire. And yet, they were okay. They hadn't been arrested. They hadn't died. They would recover. Find a new place to live.

    Several minutes passed before either of the sisters could talk again.

    "How did they find us?" Rosie asked.

    Lily shook her head. "I don't know."

    She slid down next to her and pondered the mystery. No one knew where they had been staying for the last year. No one.

    One person does, said a voice in the back of her head.

    "He would never," she whispered out loud.

    "Who would never?" asked Rosie.

    Lily shook her head. "It's not important. Don't worry about it." She tried for a smile.

    Rosie raised her eyebrows. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

    She shrugged. "Fine."

    More time passed. The wind blew. Lily shivered, wrapping her arms around herself.

    "We need to find shelter," she murmured.

    Rosie nodded in agreement. "But where?" she wondered.

    Lily knit her eyebrows. "I-I don't know."

    This was the first time in years she didn't have a plan. The last time she was this lost, she'd been a scared ten year old girl with a little sister to take care of. Then Leroy came. He saved them. She didn't know where they would be without him.

    Rosie wrapped an arm around Lily's shoulder. "It's okay you don't have a plan," she said gently. "We can just cuddle."

    She blinked back tears. "Okay."

    In the warm embrace of her little sister, Lily fell asleep, forgetting about all her troubles.

(hey! i have some quick updates: 1. this story should be done in about 20 chapters. if i upload every other day, i'll be done by june 27. of course, that'll change depending on what's going on in my life and how productive i am. 2. the first 4 chapters of Nightmares are now on ao3! ao3 is confusing to upload so idk if i'll keep it there, but it should be in the renegades section. my username is the same as it is on here (luna_lovegoods_wife). 3. ive started plotting Daydreams! i'm so excited for this story you have no idea. should be out in july (yes ik i keep pushing it back i'm sorry). hope you all are having a wonderful day!)

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