Chapter 6: Caroline

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The only thing Caroline was aware of was pain. She thought she heard voices. Oscar, Andrew, and Narcissa, talking about HQ... and healers. She blacked out, and when she awoke again, she was on a bed. Uncle Simon was standing over her, talking to another person... possibly one of the healers that had been mentioned.

    "You're awake!" came Andrew's voice.

    Simon looked down at her, and he visibly relaxed in relief.

    "How long was I out for?" Caroline croaked.

    "Not long," said her uncle. "Andrew, Oscar, and Narcissa told us about the new villains. Inferno and Wildflower?"

"Are Adrian and the others back?" she asked, starting to sit up.

Simon pushed her down gently. "No. But they'll be fine. They've faced much worse than two angry teenagers."

A door opened, and Caroline turned her head to see Uncle Hugh walk in. He smiled when he saw her awake.

"Caroline!" he boomed, beaming. "How do your arms feel?"

"Like I stuck them in the oven by accident," she grumbled. A healer had followed Captain Chromium into the room, holding a jar of healing ointment and bandages.

Simon propped her up while the healer took care of her burns. Caroline sighed in relief as the ointment was smeared on.

"Your arms should be healed in around three weeks. We'll keep you here for a week to keep an eye on the burns," said the healer. "I'm Dr. Cook, by the way."

"Caroline Westwood," she responded.

"I'll leave you all alone now. Don't stay for too long, though. She needs rest." The doctor left the room, closing the door behind him.

"I hope Adrian and the others are okay," Narcissa said worriedly. "Danna and I were going to have a sleepover."

    Oscar wiggled his eyebrows. "A sleepover, you say."

    Narcissa shrieked. "Oscar Silva!"

    Caroline, Oscar, Andrew, Hugh, and Simon burst out into laughter, while Narcissa stood there, her face red.

    "But seriously," she muttered once everyone had quieted down. "They better be okay."

(this is bad, i'm sorry. it's just a filler. i promise things will get more interesting)

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