37. He so busy

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Divya Pov

Since the kissed, I can tell Arjun behaved differently with me. He didn't mind when I kissed him or when I hug him. He also being very touchy lately. So it's encourage me to move more bold.

I feel happy thinking our relationship are moving to next step. Although he hurt me with his words that day but he make me happy with his behaviour recently. As we have proverbs saying 'Action speaks louder than words'. So, I ignore his words and focus on his act more.

I think I have done some great mistakes or sin on my previous life. So, God choosing to punish me in this life. Everytime when my expectations and hoped get high and I become happy and exactly right at the moment, something will come up to make my hopes shatter and poke my happiness bubbles.

Arjun getting busier with his doctor work and it's very rare for me to see him now. He didn't come to office cabin anymore.

Since the profits of hospitals getting more higher as we join our hands with governments and we also made to top 3 in hospitals industries business world wide. He also hired more staff by dividing his job scopes so he can reduce his workloads. Therefore, he only need to supervised the work and review the performances of hospitals.

I read in business magazines that our hospital becomes well known to world wide as Arjun become the President of World Hospital Associations(WHA) and having contract with Governments makes people to trust our hospital more. So the shares rate were increasing impressively at global market.

I guess Arjun really smart in managing his time and his work very well. He not only make the hospital becomes famous and generate high profit in shorten period but also tackle everything with his smart move on his medical cases. If anyone in his position, they probably will collapse for heavy workloads and stress.

I heard from hospitals staff, today a VIP with cancerous brain tumour has admitted in our hospital and the VIP is very picky and sensitive person. Everybody were scaring of him.

Since I didn't know about the disease. I asked Arjun when I went to his doctor room to give him, his lunch.

"It's a brain tumour where the cancer growing within the brain itself and it's known as very difficult surgery among neurologist because we don't have a clear boundaries between the tumour and brain. Also we cannot remove all of tumour because it's invading as the substance of brain is soft. It's have very low of success rate". He explained to me and continued his work. He didn't even asked me, why I am curious about this.

I sit at his room for awhile and went back to office to continued my work or Hitler will keep pestering me with his unconditional works.

My chief aka Hitler always said I am from different planet. And I always replied " I know right, I always little mischievous, rebellious and more happier person. But it's ain't my fault. The universe should know better before it's drop me here unattended and unsupervised".
I can closed his mouth with my sarcasm reply.

After a week, I eavesdrop a conversations of Arjun and Sadhana. He told her, he was having a very difficult time with one of patient as the patient's keep throwing tantrum and don't want to do surgery because he scared to having a hole drilled in his head.

I become sad after listening to their conversations. I think Arjun are more comfortable with Sadhana than me to tell her all his problems and his worried. He never shared his problems with me.

From that day onwards, I always saw Arjun and Sadhana being together and he now rarely come back to home. He will stay at hospital at most and when I visit him, he won't even look at me and keeps ignoring me and gives more important to Sadhana.

I really missing him a lots. I was used to his presences and his attentions that he showing previously. Now I am addicted to him, it's hurt more with his ignorance.

It's really irked me and worrying me when I saw the smirk at Sadhana's face when Arjun keep calling her by ignoring me.

Everybody in office gossiping  about Arjun and Sadhana. They saying Sadhana being big help for Arjun for handle the picky VIP. They mentioned that Sadhana is the one calming the VIP and made him to agree for the surgery. They also saying that they both are made for each other and both of them look very perfect being together.

Now, everyone have doubt on Sadhana's and Arjun's relationships as they both always seen together looking happy.

My brain mock me with my previous assumptions about our relationships.

My brain said Arjun let me close to him and treat me different because I am his wife, chosen by  his mother. He loved his mother so much maybe that is the reason he wanted give a try but he like Sadhana more. So he couldn't do it more.

My heart stop don't want accept to my brain and it's only focus on what it's feel while my brain ignored the feeling and focus on what it's saw. Me being between this, struggling don't know to believe in which.

In the end, I choose my heart. Believe on what I feel.

In the house, Arjun told dad that he need his help for his research and for medicine he created for schizophrenia patient's. They both keep talking something I don't understand.

Nidhiya aunty and grandma told me, the time I have in this house is gonna to end very soon and asked me to enjoy the remaining time with happy.

I really don't understand what they are talking about. Sometimes, no no, most of times they both really behave strange. I still don't know why grandma  and Nidhiya aunty hate me a lot.

Even for grandma, I can understand why she didn't like me. Its because she think I'm not a good match and compatible to Arjun and to their family as I am from poor family and I'm very average person  compared to Arjun. She really has no idea, anyone person would be average if compared to Arjun. He is different species human being.

But I couldn't ever understand the hate Nidhiya aunty on me. The hate she showing me it's like I was her enemy from generation to generation. The way she look at me as she disgusted with me and cannot stay at same place as me.

Although she said she hate me because I steal Sadhana's place but my instinct said it's have different reason for her hate towards me.

But then, I didn't know her and never meet her before. I think we probably enemy on our previous life.

Arjun looking very disturbing and stressful. I think his research didn't get well.

I went to ask him but he shut me off by saying to not disturbing him. I wanted to give him hug and massage or give some comforts words. However, Arjun seems like hate it as he always frown and glare at me.

I could see him controlling himself from bursting towards me by taking deep breath. He should know that he should never composed himself and bottled up within himself because when he burst out, it's could came out very dangerous.

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