12. His phone number

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Divya Pov

It's already been a month, I started to follow him but until now I couldn't get his phone number. I already tried many ways like went to administration department and call centre to get his number but nothing work out.

So now I am on the way to meet the only person that can help me. My last source. His best friend, Mr. Vinay Sharma.

I went to meet Vinay at cafe with bringing a lots of chocolates to bribe him.

He smile at me and sarcastically said "What I have done to get this honour? You came to see me all the way!".

I roll my eyes, he and his drama. He gesture me to sit in front of him.

"Even if you didnt ask me to sit, I would sit". I scoff at him. I don't know why I always being rude to him. He again smile at me and ask the purpose of the visit. Oh yeah, how can i forget, I came here to bribe him, I need to act good for that. With my most sweet and soft voice of me, I call him.

"Vinay, you know I bring you a lots of chocolates with variety of choices. We have almond chocolate, hazelnut chocolate, dark chocolate, raisins&nuts chocolate, white chocolate and many more. This all for you if you be a good boy and give me Arjun's number". I clasp my both hand and bring to my jaw while give him my best puppy eyes I look at him so that he will agree to give the number.

But that donkey dingo said "Oh! I would love to help you but you know my lips service is veerrrry expensive and with this chocolates, it won't enough cutie pie".

I knew it he won't agree to help me because he is the most annoying person in world. I made ugly face and said " What you want me to do so that you can open your extremely expensive lips?".

"Now we talking cutie pie, well it is very simple, you give me your best friend phone number and I give my best friend's. He said.

"Ah! I knew it from the start that you are crazy idiot monkey, my instincts never get wrong. Ok bye, I don't want your help. I will ask him directly". I said angrily and start to stand up from the chair. But I couldn't move a step and sit back as soon I heard him.

"You think he will give it to you if you ask?. It's ok if you don't want my help cutie pie. There is so many people out there want his number. Maybe I should give to them". He said and smirk at me. I think he reserved that smirk only for me to irritates me more. I frown at my sit and glare at him.

I sighed exasperatedly and said "Ok fine, let's play scissor paper stone game, if you win three times I will give Sandya's number and if you lost you won't get her number. Deal or not deal? I asked him. "Ok deal". He said. Now it's my turn to smirk. I loss to him after playing three times.

Overconfidence is not good. Without any choice I give him Sandya's number and he give Arjun's. I warn him to not disturbing Sandya and be in limit.

hat night I send him good night message.

"Hey Arjun, night is made for rest not for work. So now close your laptop and switch off your phone and go to the world of dreams which I was in. Good night my dear kind man, with full of love, DIVYA".
I hope he didn't block me after the struggles I went through to get his number. He seen it but didn't reply.

Next morning too I send him good morning message as soon I woke up.

"Hey handsome soul, Good morning to you today, I hope that today makes our paths cross at least a hundred times".

I will always send him good morning and night message but never once he reply for it. But he will see my message as soon I send like he waiting for it.
I just thankful that he didn't block me.

Months passed and I'm still roaming around him. I will give him accompany in library. He will do his work and I will do my work such as updating him about my days, sleeping, secretly eating at library.

About secretly eating at library, me and dingo have great chemistry between us in hiding the snacks when the librarians comes to checking. He still the same, didn't talk much but he will hum to everything I said as his way to show me that he is listening to me. He also Will wake me up from my sleeping by slamming the book. Arjun seems didn't mind my presence around him or should I said that he get used to it.

Everything is not prefect as it seems when I'm chasing Arjun. I always get many warnings to stay away from him and some girls will blackmailed me to not get closed to Arjun.

Besides that, I also get bully like close me inside in the toilet, pour water on me or my books, hides my chair in class, call me by names, spreading bad rumour about me, mocking me, hit me or slapping me and many more.

But this all would never makes me to stay away from him because I already love him too much. His presence only bring me so much of happiness and peace. When I'm with him i feel like all my family is with me even though don't have one. Sandya and Aleena is the one who always help me. I don't know about Jenny, she is avoiding us especially always glaring Sandya.

Sandya Pov

I don't know what to do with this man. He always following and gives so many gifts like cards and chocolates to me even countless time I request him not following and stop this but he never listen to me and now he has my phone number from Divya, he will always call me and message me.

I think he is lost twin brother of Divya. Divya and Vinay always bickering with each other when they met. Mostly because of me. They look like Tom and Jerry. It's funny watching them fighting. Even though they both argue with each other, I can see they both have brother and sister bonding. I know Divya like him too although she said she hates him. She won't even talk if she doesn't like someone and here she always argue with, giving him nicknames and do pranks on him.

Coming to the reality, Vinay is sitting beside and look at me with so much love in his eyes. I always enjoy his company and to be honest I also really like him. I cannot look him like that, it's just infatuation he will forget me soon or later. I cannot let him to distract me. I have to keep remind myself that we both are from different world and it's not possible between us.

He always come to meet at my business mathematics and management account class as Divya won't be there. He actually scare of her.

Jenny seems a bit distant since Vinay come to visit me. She now avoiding me and always glaring at me. I don't know what I did. I have doubt that maybe Jenny likes Vinay but I'm not sure yet.

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