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~Video by Trap Nation/Music by XXXTENTACTION(Cover by SDMS + John Dakolias)~

Chapter 21- Corporal


"Fine..." Nightmare sighed and allowed the trio enter his bedroom, the skeleton that wore purple sat down on to his bed and looked at them.

"How do you feel...?" Dust slightly stuttered, staring at his boss,as the same eyes glanced away for a moment.

"At the moment, not bad." Nightmare replied, Dust tapped his slippers on to the soft carpet and slightly nodded his skull. Dust then looked back at the two other skeletons, both Cross and Horror had their eyes furrowed.

"Anddd- you have felt not bad often?" Horror questioned while muttering, then Nightmare raised his eye-socket.

"Uh..huh?..." He squinted his eyes at these skeletons, with the evident shifted frowns that appeared on their skulls, along with the rattling and fiddling with their fingers became clear.

"Okay, just spill it. The three of you couldn't make it less obvious, with your crummy looks along with your mannerism and the fact the three of you are even standing here together." Nightmare sighed.

"Alright...so Boss." Cross spoke out, and took a step towards his boss. Nightmare's eyes narrowed and squinted so slightly. "...That night... y'know... what happened?"

With the three skeletons staring at Nightmare, with anticipation in their eyes as they stared at the superior skeleton. Nightmare crossed his arms.

"Unpleasant memories." Nightmare stated, the skeleton leaned back into the bed more, his body sunk into the soft fabric.

"What kind of unpleasant memories? If you don't mind us asking." Cross questioned, Nightmare looked down, away from the skeletons in-front of him.

"...Just..." Nightmare took a moment. "..It's nothing."

"But boss-" Horror reached his hand towards Nightmare's shoulder, as the boss refrains himself from speaking up they all became upset with Nightmare.

"DON'T TOUCH ME." Nightmare snapped, suddenly turned around to glare at the skeletons. The eyes no longer had any kindness in them, not patience but pierced through was the heating flame.

Stumbled... Horror stepped back, staring at Nightmare's rage and he wrapped his arms around himself. Watching the skeleton with the broken skull, backed away from Nightmare made him froze.

"Horror...I--" Nightmare stuttered slightly, Dust and Cross slowly looked towards Nightmare as they glanced at Horror. The skeleton avoided contact with his boss.

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