Chapter 54

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Chapter 54- Ella's POV

"Hey love," Edward said. "I missed you." 

My heart leapt in my chest upon hearing his words, and I managed to smile just a little bit. My head throbbed painfully and my entire body felt restless.

"Hey," I mumbled. I had not been expecting those words from him. The last time we had spoken, he had wanted nothing to do with me.

"How are you?" he asked, stepping forward. He looked dishevelled. I had not seen him looking like this for a long time. To be fair, I don't remember ever seeing him look like this before. 

I sighed, cocking my head to one side. Of course I wasn't good. "Not bad, considering," I said. I sat up to look at him properly. "And you?" 

"Relieved," he answered, heaving a sigh. He stepped closer to me, and took a cautious look at the open door, then looked back at me. He was about to speak when I interrupted. 

"You're not supposed to be in here, are you?" I asked with a smirk. 

He shook his head. "No, I've been banned, actually." 

"And what would happen if they found out?" I asked cautiously. I knew this was stupid, and that we had many more important things to talk about, but I couldn't help but worry. My mum had said that the police had been here already... so Edward had to be careful.

Edward attempted a smile. "I don't know, Ella," he said. He seemed to look around him, as if considering his options whether to sit down on the chair or on the floor. He scooted the chair closer to my bed and sat down, taking my hand in his. Warmth filled inside me at his touch. We had only been apart for a day but it had felt like eternity. 

"I need you to tell me everything that John told you about all of this," he said solemnly, as if it were the most important thing in the world for him. It probably is, I mused. He was still clueless about what had happened and why John did what he did. I inhaled. It wasn't easy to explain. 

"There's so much," I said, shaking my head. 

"I know... but I've spoken to him and I don't know whether he's lying, so I need you to help me out." 

I looked up at him. "You've spoken to him?" I repeated after him. It wasn't something I would have expected from Edward. I actually wouldn't have blamed him if he had decided not to speak to John ever again. I myself did not want to. 

Edward nodded, the solemn look still on his face. I could tell the situation hurt him. "Yes. I needed to know." He squeezed my hand and offered me a smile. "I love you," he said, making my heart melt. "I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you." 

I opened my mouth to reply, but a cough caught my attention, and I looked up in panic. My heart increased its beat instantly when I saw that it wasn't my mum or brother who was standing there, but a guy wearing a uniform. I suppressed a gasp. It was a police officer. 

Edward's eyes followed mine and he stiffened when he saw who was at the door. He let go of my hands and moved back in his chair, waiting for the young officer to speak. He had very particular gray eyes, brown hair and stubble, a combination which made him look very handsome.

My mind wondered how the heck I could analyze someone's features and declaring them as handsome at a time like this. This was the police, and he had just witness a confession about love and my teacher holding my hand, when in fact he wasn't even allowed inside the hospital room. 

The police officer walked into the room, for some reason with a smirk on his face. Edward stood up awkwardly. 

"So, Mr James," the officer said, looking from Edward to me. His gaze stopped on me for a few seconds and he took my image in, making me feel very uncomfortable. His gaze was very penetrating. His eyes flickered back to Edward. "We left fifteen minutes ago, and I returned because I was told that Mr Abbott woke up. I thought I had an agreement with you, that you wouldn't enter this room... am I right?" He smirked once again, seeming to wait for Edward to answer. 

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